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Old 23 May 2022, 20:34   #141
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Notice the fuel saving Donny
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Old 23 May 2022, 20:38   #142
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That looks smart Donny have you got a rough idea on your fuel consumption yet or is that to early to judge
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Old 23 May 2022, 20:59   #143
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Thanks 69cmw ..and also for the assistance and recommendation of where to get it.

As everyone knows..its not easy getting new outboards just now but “Davie” certainly pulled the rabbit out the hat for me

Hi Jeff and HH .. its too early yet ..I cant say for sure until its run in and I measure distances at cruising speed. What I can say is I went up the sound of Mull for a nights camping a week or so ago. I used 45 Litres doing the 100 mile trip. Gordon use 20 litres.

That is almost £50 cheaper for one trip at todays prices of fuel !!!!

Admittedly Gordon was only using his 9.8HP Tohatsu and Honwave but we still cruised at 18mph. I am halfway through making that was my last trip using the Mariner 25HP

I will have a longer and better run tomorrow ... then T can start thinking about going round Mull luxuary drive
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Old 23 May 2022, 21:05   #144
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I think there's supposed to be 25-30% better fuel economy in general.

I would think that the amount of use you do you'll see your money back in just a few seasons.

I love the benefits of a 2 stroke but the latest 4 strokes are simply superb.
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Old 28 May 2022, 18:18   #145
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Originally Posted by TmMorris View Post
I think there's supposed to be 25-30% better fuel economy in general.
Hi TmMorris you are probably correct on theory ..example comparing the Mariner 25HP two stroke to the Yamaha 25HP EFI with both outboards running at full throttle.

However in practise the figure you quote does not tie in with figures I had compared with Jeff Stevens on our trips together, Jeff also runs a 25hp EFI outboard. It is nearer 40% difference between my Mariner 25HP and the 25hp EFI’s which is IMO a very significant fuel saving.

Where do I get this figure from ?

I presume its because my Mariner 25HP two stroke cruised at 18-20mpg while the throttle was running ¾ open, screaming its guts out in its “power band” or spot that sounded sweet to my ear. ?

The Yamaha..on the other hand sits at 1/3 – ½ throttle cruising at 18-20mph. Which IMO explains why the guys always got around 40% fuel difference from me and also the reason I presume its very much quieter. I have been video’ing its performance and will illustrate my observations when I publish the video.

In the mean time here is a couple of stills from the video clips. I filmed the speed on my smart phone and its running at 20.4 MPH as shown in the clip

In real time, I pan the gopro around to film the throttle position and as you can see its only half throttle.

What for me is even more amazing is it crawls along on a silent tickover at 1.5mph which is perfect for lure trolling. My Mariner would oil up at 3-4mph if running a long time so I used to troll with the 3.3 Aux. The Aux slowest speed today was 2.5mph ..and buzzing away like an angry hornet.

Although I have now been out three full days I have not had it a full throttle yet as Im giving the outboard time to bed in nicely. I have momentarily done 25mph on it which was the top speed on my Mariner
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Old 28 May 2022, 19:32   #146
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Hi Donny sounds like your having a blast with the new out board looking forward to your review and fuel consumption figures enjoy hopefully catch up with you this year if things work out all the best HH
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Old 28 May 2022, 20:38   #147
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Hi HH, yup..Im having a ball in the promised land. Its not scientific I know but a Mariner 25HP two stroke day out of Loch Etive was around 20 litres of fuel for me. That was going from Connel Bridge to head of loch and back again. Today the same type of journey including same length used 12 litres and no 2St oil.

However Im not having much luck..not even a nibble.

The Yamaha is easy to set a steady speed using its trolling switch so I set it up beside the falls of Lora to hold me stationary so I could pull a lure across the falls thinking those big tasty pink fleshed fish have to go past this way.

I also had the Aux running today but as mentioned these old two strokes can’t tick over slow for long. It is working great though and I was testing it as Im heading for Inner Herbrides next week for a real adventure so want a working Aux just in case.

Then when I got home..Im a little weary as it was a long hard day delighted I didn’t need to set up a bucket to flush the Yammy out ..I just screwed it onto the hosepipe and job was done.

Yup..the old Mariner just cant compete with modern outboards ..but thats not it ?
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Old 28 May 2022, 21:33   #148
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Have you tried the old wreck along by the caravan park yet that normally holds some little treats but then again your not very patient when it comes to fishing if I remember correctly [emoji23][emoji23]
Hope you enjoy your trip and look forward to seeing your next video HH
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Old 29 May 2022, 08:27   #149
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I assume flushing with a hose pipe does not require the engine running.

Has your version got power tilt as well as electric start
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Old 29 May 2022, 10:08   #150
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Hi Lemonbonbon ..No, I didn’t get the PTT version. Initially I was going to, until someone mentioned the saddle for the PTT was much wider and would need the transom support modified to accommodate the outboard. I didn’t investigate further if this info was right or wrong. In today’s market it was hard enough getting the electric start with battery charging version. I waited all winter for delivery so know idea if the wait would have been the same or longer.

So saying I find it easier than the Mariner 25HP to lift into shallow drive or full tilt position. I presume that is because the head is heavier than the Mariner a better balance ?? The Mariner weight was 53kg while the Yammy weighs not much difference at the 25HP size.

However the one fault I dislike about the Yamaha is the position of the lever to allow the outboard to be tilted. Its arrowed in this photo. Easy to operate when the outboard is down..but when its tilted up..I have to feel about under the head to find it as you cant see it..if that makes sense. The Mariner was not idea either as I had to lean over the transom to operate it but at least I could see it.

Yup..the hose flushed the internal waterways without the engine fact you cant run the engine using the inbuilt method as it doesn’t flush the impeller every once in a while I will run it in a bucket but certainly not religiously like I did with the Mariner.

My neightbour’s at my last house used to complain when the Mariner was flushed in its bucket because of the fumes and smell of two stroke..they never complained about my 6HP Yamaha four stroke though..just another plus point for 4 strokes

So as you probably guess.. Im delighted getting rid of the old carb 25HP two stroke had absolutely no advantage for me whatsoever
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Old 29 May 2022, 11:17   #151
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Glad you are pleased with it as it is a lot of cash to drop. But being happy makes it all worth while. Also for you the amount of boating you do you will soon get your money back. Also having not to carry so much petrol with you is also a huge bonus.

Lets hope you dont get any limp mode or similar nonsense from her. Have you given the engine a name. Perhaps suggestions on a post card
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Old 03 June 2022, 18:05   #152
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Last year at the end of May I went round Mull with the old Mariner. I carrier 110 litres of fuel and had 20 litres left so used 90 litres

This year I went round Mull again with the new Yamaha 25HP four stroke but Included the Treshnish Isles and a full tour of the Wilderness Coast which would have been around an additional 15-20 miles added on . I travelled 170 miles over four days and took 70 litres of fuel and used 55 litres.

That is how more efficient the modern Yamaha 25HP EFI Fourstroke is.

Gordon who accompanied me and often follows behind assures me that it is much better not sitting behind a stinking two stroke.

I found the quiet outboard didn’t spook the seals or Treshnish puffins as much as the old two stroke did and I could hear seals wail from miles away. It very much quieter. It reversed into Fingals cave very easily on a slow and reliable tickover. I got right to the back of the cave ..if I was using the old would be reving a lot more for fear of cut out thus going in not so controlled.

I think its run in now ..

I can thoroughly recommend the new Yamaha 25HP EFI fourstroke and David Anderson Marine who managed to get me one before the boating season was over.
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Old 11 June 2022, 17:11   #153
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Lovely to see you enjoying your new toy Donny. Not having to tote all that petrol is a real help I am sure
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Old 11 June 2022, 19:09   #154
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Thanks Lemonbonbon and yes, Im having a ball with the new outboard. Im now getting the same miles per tank of fuel that Jeff Stevens, Gordon and HH use to get from their fourstrokes on the same long journeys we went at the same speed.

By coincidence of timing I have now finished the video comparing my Mariner with my Yamaha fourstroke. I have been as honest as I can. As you will see (and hear)Efficiency, noise and pollution are major differences between them.

I will still carry 100 litres plus of fuel at times but am extending the length and duration of my multi day adventures to suit. I am hoping to do this 300-350 mile multi day trip this summer. Im lucky in that Im retired so I can camp up when the winds get too strong ..then continue when they drop again. I have done all the islands in the past so know what Im up against and where I need to time strong tides on certain headlands etc I will wait until a good dry spell appears in the forecast then venture forth.

I have a lot of other videos to catch up on, including running in the Yamaha OB, Spending four days going round Mull , and even chasing the PS Waverley..but they will have to wait until Im land locked again so I get time to do them.
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Old 11 June 2022, 21:31   #155
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What a majestic way to spend retirement. It's not going to take long for the engine to pay for itself either.
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Old 12 June 2022, 00:12   #156
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Great video

I especially liked your points about home servicing Donny !

You have me thinking about my own mariner 25hp now and its long term position in the fleet. Pleased.your enjoying the engine and looking forward to more updates on the new Yamaha.

Take care

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Old 12 June 2022, 06:45   #157
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Yes lovely way to spend retirement. Living in the promised land you can choose the weather window. Now perhaps one you forgot about. Did the 2 stroke fumes keep the pesky midges at bay
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Old 12 June 2022, 18:47   #158
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Originally Posted by Lemonbonbon View Post
. Did the 2 stroke fumes keep the pesky midges at bay

Big plumbs is all you need to keep the midges at bay [emoji848]
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Old 13 June 2022, 07:46   #159
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Donny, outstanding review on that 2s vs 4s comparison.

You've really got me thinking. I think for my boating needs like you and many others I'll always have need of a short leg 15 or 25 be it on my Aerotec, a Y or similar, alu small RIB etc so an investment could be worthwhile...

So much there to like, I like the old school simplicity, nostalgia, lightness, tiller gear shift and get up and go for my 2 stroke 15 Merc but that's where it ends.

The choking fumes when pootling with a following wind, the lumpy splutter at low speeds, the infernal racket that makes it virtually impossible to speak at anything over 4 kts, the mad fuel consumption; my average is around 1.8 to 2 litres a nautical mile meaning it now costs about £1 per mile which is nuts.

I think my Merc 15 is 38kg making it the lightest 15 but did you say the 25 Yam 4S is 50kg?

And what's the going rate for one of these if you don't mind me asking?

Other than the usual oil change etc what are the annual/3 yr maintenance procedures?

Obviously impeller periodically but valves as per bikes etc?

Guessing dealers would plug into diagnostics too to log faults?
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Old 13 June 2022, 09:27   #160
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Hi Max ..I appreciate there are quite a few folk who will benefit from the lighter weight of the smaller size two strokes. Im only comparing my 25HP sizes. Im happy enough to keep my 3.3 mariner two stroke for the Aux ..but its hardly used. Others can draw their own comparisons for fuel consumption for their own outboard..just as you have done.

I do think it important that people who are not familiar with outboards realise the reason why leisure users can no longer buy them new. Fuel consumption is a big consideration now. Especially if you have to buy E5 for the older two stroke and can buy E10 for the newer four strokes.. so even casual users are paying through the nose for a couple hours use. Noise and pollution are big factors for many too.

I got my Yamaha 25hp from David Anderson Marine at Tayport who I can strongly recommend. I am unwilling to disclose the cost to me as I am certain I got it for “mates rates” thanks to 69cmw. I can suggest to anyone interested in the Yamaha F25G contact David Anderson Marine for their own quote as he has a reputation for fair prices and good customer service.

I am happy to say that because there are people just now desperate to get any outboard they can ... there is a shortage as most folk know ... I got a fantastic price for the old Mariner as it was in good condition and very reliable. So it cost me in real money a bit over 2K after taking off the money I sold the Mariner for. Therefore IMO now is a great time to sell old two strokes upgrade to a fourstroke. That is if you can get a new one

The basic 100 hour (yearly) service is shown in this video covers impeller plugs filters and oil change and anyone can do that.

Granted there are other checks to do which I have not looked into yet but will say my Mariner ran perfectly for the 12 years I had it. I only cleaned the carb once then rebuilt it when the choke gasket bust. I don’t check fuel pumps or anything else as they are quite robust. Same with my Yamaha carb fourstroke ..its 6 years old now and I have adjusted tappets once and never touched the carb. They are reliable as long as you are careful with the fuel you put in and change filters etc. I do check things that the schedule suggests needing checked though. Plenty info on the net for servicing outboards now too

As for diagnostic leads and software ..I see Ebay selling stuff like that cheap prices. Yes it is handy seeing how many times its overheated and what is causing it to break down ..but Im not sure you need them for the basic services..but time will tell. As mentioned in the video..Im looking forward to learning its ways.

Mariner 25HP two stroke weights 53Kg and Yamaha F25G weights 60kg as mentioned in my video

Hope that covers the points you raised Max
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