Thanks A1an and yes.. this outboard has transformed my boat.

I now feel I can call it a “proper boat” and not a “blow and go” as I was used to for quite a few years.
I wouldn’t call it a RIB but perhaps that is only me because I associate RIB’s with being heavy and very fast ..oh and very least the ones I have been on are. The Quicksilver is lightweight and relatively cheap..and will cruise around 20mpg ..not knots.. but still takes me places where the big RIBs and whales go.
Electricity is a definite bonus ball
It is a pure delight running with the fishfinder showing depth any time Im in the boat. Before I only switched it on when close to reefs as I couldn’t charge the 12v battery and mine would not run for days on end without needing charging.
The fixed VHF is also a game changer. Handheld VHFs on the remote west coast were hopeless which is why I always carry a PLB with the handheld. I now transmit and receive messages no problem.. and because I can hear the radio above the noise of the four stroke..I keep it on at all times. I hardly switched the handheld on as I couldn’t hear a thing.
The flick of a switch and swoosh ..the bilge water has gone so no more bailers reqquired.. well once I get a pipe to pee over the side with ..the bailers are history
Lastly..I can go to sea for as long as I want now. Before I had to return home every so often to charge cameras phones and Ipad for watching movies etc. Now the USB ports charge as I go.
Who knows day I might even get a plotter but I do enjoy navigating by chart and compass and as long as I can see ..I know where Im going around the west anyhoo... I have done it that often even the dolphins say hello. I know plenty folks with the latest in chart plotters and a few hit rocks and damage props and skegs ..something I have never done..touch wood. So Im not convinced they are a game changer ..but I may change my mind on that day.
20 hour service now done.. took an hour checking everything the manual said to check, changing oils and greasing bits n Im ready to go to sea again see you around the sea .. if you are near me..
Stay safe and enjoy your boats
Best Regards