11 July 2020, 17:18
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 144
Hi Donny, If you're using dissimilar metals you could use Duralac: https://www.mbfg.co.uk/duralac.html I've used it on yacht masts when when fitting stainless into ally without any corrosion problems. Enjoy the new boat, looks good, loved my adventures around Loch Sween as a kid on holiday in our Zodiac Futrua MkII SIB with a 25Hp mariner, was such a fun boat. Only this year noe my fathers in his 70's has he decided to sell it, I'd love to keep it but I'm enjoying my Ribcraft 585 I bought a couple of years ago for the Cornish Coast where I now live.
11 July 2020, 23:02
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat name: Excel Chalanger
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Length: 4m +
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That's what I used to fit my engine bolts to the transom.
Donny is that a short or long shaft spare out board??? I am currently looking at a 2.3 back up and was considering the same place but not quite sure yet !!! It's always a get you home job if it main engine quites HH
12 July 2020, 17:15
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 291
Looks like a cracker!!
Would like one myself but I can barely parallel park let alone reverse a rib like that on a trailer !
12 July 2020, 19:09
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Originally Posted by duggie12
Looks like a cracker!!
Would like one myself but I can barely parallel park let alone reverse a rib like that on a trailer !
Take car and trailer. Go to an empty car park somewhere. Practice is with nobody around and no pressure on. You’ll get the idea with less than an hour of practice. If you “borrow” some cones you could set yourself increasingly difficult arrangements.
Only thing I still really don’t like is reversing the empty trailer because when it’s going well it’s basically invisible. Reversing camera slightly improves that.
An audience can still be unnerving and verbal contributions from unknown people are not necessarily helpful.
13 July 2020, 10:35
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
Hi guys ..I couldn’t replay yesterday as I was as high as a kite.
Nope..not a Guinness high .. a PVC two part glue high. Wow..its strong stuff and I didn’t even use it in a crisp poke over my nose ..before seeing red elephants stamping all over my new boat.
Pipster100. Thanks for that info..and I have just ordered some. I was not aware of such a product but Alu hulls are a new ball game to me.
HHaggis..the Quicksilver is a short shaft transom ..but I guess if you had a longshaft AUX..it could still be used as its not going on the plane with a 2.2HP outboard.. so drag will mean little.
Hi Duggie12.. good to see you around again and Loch Etive is a lovely place. Its a fair puff up Ben Starav too. Its a pity about Rubha Bharr..I noticed it last year. However the sun last longer in the evening where you camped. I will try to get back there soon.
Trailer reversing is easy as Poly said. I never turn my head..instead use wing mirrors and turn wheel towards the mirror the trailer is sticking out in.Its just getting a technique that suits.
Back to sniffing the glue and I have made the bow dodger for the boat. I had six strips to glue together to make a sheet (all recycled from Gurnard tubes) which is stretched over a wooden frame... I will paint the frame now the fit is as I want. Next is glue lugs round the boat's bow as although the dodger will be permanent ..I will want to remove it at times so will lace it to the boat.
Why bother with a dodger ? Its handy to keep a spare jacket and shoes dry when shoved under it. But more important ..all my dry bags of camping gear etc will be thrown under it and kept there by a cargo net. They wont bounce out the boat when underway.
Not much more to do now..except sober up once the kitchen clears of glue fumes ....
13 July 2020, 13:08
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Edinburgh
Boat name: Excel Chalanger
Make: Highfield 380 Excel
Length: 4m +
Engine: 25 Yamaha 25Suzuki
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 601
Nice wee tough there Donny
I have for the chance of two short or long but was not quite sure because it's for a step up on my Highfield and I thought the long shaft would be better but will rock my boat down and try them both on.
Well don't think you need to sniffing glue your high and mad enough without that catch you later HH
13 July 2020, 13:34
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Highland Haggis
Nice wee tough there Donny
I have for the chance of two short or long but was not quite sure because it's for a step up on my Highfield and I thought the long shaft would be better but will rock my boat down and try them both on.
Well don't think you need to sniffing glue your high and mad enough without that catch you later HH
for info ali my long shaft aux is about level with my short shaft main being on the step up as you have, that said as donny says as long as its prop is in the water you'll have no probs. more probs getting the main to slew enough when the aux is on mine is 15 mm off the tubes with 25 mm clearance on both engines
13 July 2020, 13:54
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
I think the Quicksilver and the Highfield Classic share the same hull ? ..and its defo a standard shaft (short) that is best.. however a long shaft will work as an Aux ..especially if you have another boat that needs a long shaft.
Nice neat lacing to finish off the dodger ..only an anchor box and a passenger seat with storage space under it to go then I will happily call the build complete.
Best regards
Grey Gurnard
13 July 2020, 14:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 7,536
very nice and neat, just for info did you use single or twin pack glue Donny
13 July 2020, 14:50
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
Hi again Jeff .. yup. I bought a tin of 2pack so it was in date .. therefore strongest bond possible. However if I have only a small patch to do or a wee piece of gluing ..I generally use single glue out the tube. That way its not wasting a whole tin of glue which doesn’t keep. I have almost finished the tin now ..so little waste. Single part glue for a 250mb tube patch is plenty strong in my experience.
For info..the complete fitting out has cost me a tube of sikaflex and a tin of two part glue. I had all the paints left from other jobs..and I even found an old tin of red .international yacht paint at the bottom of my paint box .. ..so the transom is painted in marine paint. I just had to remove a skin to get to fresh paint  Wood PVC and fittings including stainless screws were all recycled from the Gurnard..so she still goes to sea with me in the new boat.
The money I may have saved ..was spent today though. I was hauling and hauling trying to get the boat off the trailer bunks last week..launching on my own. So ordered four sets of four rollers per unit. Im making old age and my last boat..as easy to work with as possible.
14 July 2020, 07:25
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 3,124
Originally Posted by duggie12
Looks like a cracker!!
Would like one myself but I can barely parallel park let alone reverse a rib like that on a trailer !
When reversing a trailer remember this golden rule.
Place your hand at the BOTTOM of your steering wheel. Only look in the car Mirrors (NEVER turn your head back). Now if you want the back of your trailer to go in a certain direction move your hand in that same direction... Believe me this will help massively.
14 July 2020, 07:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Colchester
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Posts: 3,124
Now that is lovely work. I also love the fact that you have reused/Repurposed the various Parts of the old Gurnard. Not only does this save money, is good for the environment, you did not sell a potentially un seaworthy Sib to another boater and also you still have the old girl that you had so many adventures with along with you as you go out on your new boat
14 July 2020, 07:39
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 3,124
Regarding the weight of the Sib. There are some very good electric winches on ebay that you could use in certain circumstances to winch the whole trailer places if you could find somthing to tie the winch to. The winch on the trailer will be fine for getting the boat on but if you needed to put the trailer down the beach but could not get the car their you could then winch the whole lot back to the car with the electric winch
14 July 2020, 07:40
Country: UK - England
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Somthing like this
It is quite easy to mount these to a tow ball and put them on your car tow hitch and uses a spare barrery
15 July 2020, 21:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Eastbourne
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Posts: 152
Hi Gurnard, Great thread.
Really like the look of your quicksilver , ive been looking at these and the highfeild cl for a while and am keen for some more updates once you've been out in some choppy conditions, we currently have a 3.2ie honwave and are looking to get a light weight rigid hull next year.
As beaching is essential to us the alu hull would make sense, how do you find pulling your boat back into the water from the beach?
Depending on tides we sometimes find ourselves in a position of needing to pull our H/W a few metres to get back out , its really easy with my set up at the moment but not sure what it would be like with a 3.8/4.2alu hull and 30hp 4stroke?
15 July 2020, 22:28
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 14,925
Gurnard - a really interesting thread, a fascinating purchase that I will be awaiting further reporting on. Best of luck with her.
A sidebar: I'm hugely entertained by the number of posters who are struggling with the R*B word!
Say it you f****rs - say it! "R.I.B."!!
16 July 2020, 10:35
Country: UK - England
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Should I move this thread to the correct section?
16 July 2020, 11:06
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 14,925
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Should I move this thread to the correct section? 
Gotta say Boss, it was the first time I really missed my mod levers
16 July 2020, 11:59
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stirling
Boat name: The Gurnard
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: mariner 25hp 2s
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1,671
Quicksilver 4.30 Aluminium Hull inflatable
Hi smallribber..yup..I have worn the beach launch T shirt and still have all the gear ..just got to find time to try it all out. Electric winch ..sand screw..great for moorings of a lightweight boat on holiday too.. just screw it to the shore at low tide and attach a buoy ..and almost as important as the winch etc.. extra wide wheels so the trailer doesn’t sink into sand so easy
However it is still a pain if I cant drive the trailer to the waters edge... no matter what.
Hi windsurfer ..the boat weighs around the same as my last SIB ..in other words approx 200 -250kg so I cant move it..I land all the time but use anchors to keep her afloat. Matt can move his bare 380 size with transom wheels though ..if that helps.
Hi Willk ..thanks for the kind words..and yes..I have to get used to a little ribbing instead of sibbing. I don’t even have a foot in either camp as the two boats I own now are a RIB and a folding RIB.
Hi John..Poly ..or Willk ..I wonder if you could correct the title of the thread as I called it Quicksilver 4.30 Aluminium Hull inflatable. When it should read " Quicksilver 420 Alu Hull inflatable" ..to assist anyone searching on 420. I don't mind what section its in. I will make a video of its build for the threat too as often photo hosts change policy and the thread may loose the photos. Thanks.
I have finally finished building it into my own style of touring boat ..with plenty space and lockers for storage. I used the last of the old gurnards floorboards to make the anchor box which also holds a plastic box for gear and it has a lid with a seat on it. Lots of room between the box and the tubes to carry an additional 4 x 10 litre containers of fuel to supplement the two x 25 litre fuel tanks ..one in the bow box and one under the rear bench. So I can cover around 200 -250 miles using the thirsty two stroke outboard. The box is removable for more space if and when needed.
and finally I have completed a video of its first ever adventure. Im off again tomorrow on another one so will find out how she likes a bit of chop and report back
Best regards
Grey Gurnard
16 July 2020, 20:39
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 4,299
Originally Posted by Windsurfer
Hi Gurnard, Great thread.
Really like the look of your quicksilver , ive been looking at these and the highfeild cl for a while and am keen for some more updates once you've been out in some choppy conditions, we currently have a 3.2ie honwave and are looking to get a light weight rigid hull next year.
As beaching is essential to us the alu hull would make sense, how do you find pulling your boat back into the water from the beach?
Depending on tides we sometimes find ourselves in a position of needing to pull our H/W a few metres to get back out , its really easy with my set up at the moment but not sure what it would be like with a 3.8/4.2alu hull and 30hp 4stroke?
Just to chip in here, 30 four strokes of varying tyres weigh alot more that the new version 20f/s if you want to wheel it around , light is the key, my 20 merc weighs 45kg, if it needs dragging up a beach thats a challenge. Along a beach is fine as is wheeling it down a sandy beach.
Yamaha 30 weighs 94kgs Suzuki 30 71kgs, for me there was a trade off ref power and ease of launching and recovery, i don’t need to dip the trailer for recovery
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