12 March 2016, 19:38
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard
Hi Jeff.. Im still catching up on stuff on here .. .but I see you are going to ERR with your SIB. ..and will be there for a week ? I wont go the ERR course..but will try to get down to visit you when you are at Balvicar..and bring my SIB too.. if weather allows. I want to see some things on Jura ..so perhaps we can go round it in company ? I will contact you via this forum nearer the time
Sorry for going off topic First Rib..hopefully your questions have been answered now
I will add..the nut is tight ..quite a bit..all manual says is..Place a block of wood between gear case and propeller..and tighten prop nut.
Sometimes manuals have a table with torque setting for all the nuts n bits..but I have not come across it yet
That would be good gurnard hope the weather is good give me a shout, poly's up too I think after the weekend.
I hope to do the ERR route but if the weather is bad I will divert to sheltered crusing fingers crossed
12 March 2016, 21:00
RIBnet admin team
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Firstrib I see you mention you have a Rooteq trolley now. In another thread I've talked about buying one for a new Suzuki 20hp I collect soon. Some folks have said the Rooteq is a little flimsy or top heavy with an outboard of 15hp and above. You have a real obstacle course to put your outboard away so I wonder how you find it.
12 March 2016, 21:18
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I was wondering the same about the trolley Fenlander, might be the 2S vs 4S weight thing makes it work ok with a 25HP?
Would be great to hear your thoughts FirstRib... I'd been advised it was physically impossible to put my 20HP on it without modification.
13 March 2016, 10:17
Country: UK - England
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Make: Aerotec 380
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Posts: 244
Rooteq/trolley, nylon nut and exhaust manifold gasket
Fenlander, Gurner, thank you so much for your posts, such a helpful community. I now understand all of the knobs and trim adjustments (found it). Greetings from Fulham again where the PLA and boating community are fixed on one thing - the Oxford and Cambridge boat race in two weeks time. Thames is closed or restricted for practice and the race at times.
TROLLEY - the Rooteq, what a journey this has been as out of stock most places including Chas Newens as there has been a patent dispute with the manufacturer. I believe there is a new and improved version coming, Yachtshop emailed me just after I bought the Rooteq, this one looks better:
The Rooteq works, it is all very light and comes in a small box and amazingly come together. I was a little worried about the plastic bit on top, I have turned it upside down to fit the larger 25HP on. Once the base is fixed it is firm. Perhaps if the wheels were wider apart it would be more stable but might not fit through my house or in my Ka. The weakest point I think is the black 'spade' handle which is plastic, I feel it might break if I yank it too much. Altogether though, it has brought me into a new phase of boating as I can look at my motor and maintain it in the yard/garden without fear of catastrophe when shunting it around on a make shift trolley. I paid £124 for it from Lawrence at piplers.co.uk
NUT - I did overtighten it and there are a few whisps of nylon so I have ordered a new one for £5 from ebay and will untighten a little and keep this as a spare as Fenlander suggested, along with my other prop - I have a nice little kit going now and now carry the correct wrench as I have found it as well.
Gurner - do you know where I can buy a replacement one of these, which looks like an elephant on its side? I am going to change it. The guy I bought it from who was great suggested I changed this at the next service, it is only a little trickle and drains away, however, must get this sorted before any possible Solent trips
GREASE for prop - what sort do I need?
Lastly - SPARK PLUGS, do you know what type my Mercury 25 EH (USA) would take, I guess two only are used, so I can carry a spare.
13 March 2016, 10:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25HP
MMSI: 235914577
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 244
Gurnard, apologies for misspelling your name.
13 March 2016, 10:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25HP
MMSI: 235914577
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Posts: 244
Trolley - wheels are not the best, like a gold caddy, air filled would be better, hopeless on a beach these ones I would say, don't ride well on gravel path. The trolley feels safe enough I would say, metal joints are good, I am going to leave it on the trolley for storage and put it in a small tool store when I find the right one.
13 March 2016, 10:20
Country: UK - England
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Make: Aerotec 380
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Engine: Mercury 25HP
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Posts: 244
Jeff - loving going off topic - it's all really interesting.
13 March 2016, 12:08
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Firstrib
Gurnard, apologies for misspelling your name.
Hi again Firstrib ..no problem miscalling my internet name.
I have been called a lot worse. I can understand your mistype too..as I have been known to gurn at pedantic posts which sound like stuck gramophone records.
I try to give sources for my info... but do take them as you wish... and I hope you find .. Im generally polite too .
Here are the plugs from my workshop manual. It covers Mercury/mariner 25hp two stroke engines. Im not an expert..so older models than S/N Belgium 09807909 and US 0G044027 may use a different plug..but I don’t think so ?
Here is the order and torque setting to tighten down the exhaust cover bolts. I have no idea where you would get the gasket..as I have never needed to remove that cover. You could try contacting Black dog Marine ..the web site I posted the Nylon nut from. They supply me with my common supplies ..example impeller.. water pump gaskets.. carb kits etc. I think Turbo Diesel..who I initially contacted ..is still a member of this forum..so perhaps try PM him ? I was impressed by their internet service..and I get my stuff next day delivery. I have nothing to do with them ..just a happy customer
Failing that.. I have read Fenlander makes his own gaskets so you could ask him how its done. He is more technical with outboards than I am.
13 March 2016, 17:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 7,538
Originally Posted by Firstrib
Jeff - loving going off topic - it's all really interesting.
Yes sorry about that hard not to reply, re plugs they should me marked up just change like for like
13 March 2016, 17:50
RIBnet admin team
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>>> Fenlander makes his own gaskets so you could ask him how its done.
Keep to hand a pack of different thickness gasket sheet bought from Ebay. Place cover on material and draw round or the other way is to put the material on a total flat surface and tap it down with hide or rubber hammer so it leaves a light print.
Cut to shape with medium scissors, nail scissors, scalpel, craft knife etc as appropriate.
Any bolt holes can be made with a leather hole punch of the correct size.
If the gasket is exceptionally complex (such as if it separates any narrow internal passages) then sometimes the best option is to try and get the old one off intact and use a minimum amount of silicone gasket compound on one side then refit.
13 March 2016, 18:53
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
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Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
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Posts: 9,062
Firstrib thanks for the Rooteq trolley report in post #184 and link to the possible "improved" version... Yachtshop / Osculati Folding Outboard Trol - Brackets - Engine Accessories - Engines & Inflatables / Marine Equipment & Boat Sales
I think on smooth ground this and the Rooteq would be a good trolley but the wheels seem too close together and I could see it tipping sideways on bumps perhaps?? However Firstrib if it makes your steps might be better than it looks??
I've had a search and it seems the linked Osculati is a very similar trolley but with wood pad not plastic, larger wheels (or just different) and a different handle. Here' a scan from their brochure...
13 March 2016, 19:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
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Posts: 244
Hi Fenlander, looking at the new Osculati, it appears better than the Rooteq, improved handle and improved transom-type fixing, made of wood not plastic or unknown material in side the plastic and it doesn't restrict the transom screws in width like the plastic one on the Rooteq one does, when assembled the correct 'U' not 'n' way around. The wheels too look more substantial. They both have the same KG rating of 60KG which is under my 51KG motor. If you go over a bump, yes, I would take care, but as you say, in my small London flat with restricted width on the doors and narrow corridor, and the Ford KA boot size, either would seem a good choice.
Thank you for the gasket tips.
13 March 2016, 19:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
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Posts: 244
As I understand it, the days of the Rooteq are numbered to what is in stock as the company has been in a patent dispute and the Osculati may be the new Rooteq.
13 March 2016, 20:08
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Make: Aerotec 380
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Posts: 9,062
Oh I wondered if that's what you meant... wonder how Yamaha will deal with this at they sold the Rooteq under their brand too??
13 March 2016, 20:17
Country: UK - England
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Make: Aerotec 380
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Posts: 244
Yes, I saw that Yamaha use this for their outboards.
13 March 2016, 20:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25HP
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Posts: 244
Roofrack for the Ford KA - back on topic
Getting back to the subject of this post which has been running since I think, October, I have finally, I think (in theory anyway), cracked it with the Ford KA and bought a ROOFRACK for the folded boat here: Steel Roof Bars to fit Ford Ka 3-Door Hatchback 1996 Onwards | eBay
This will enable me to strap the boat, uninflated in it's bag (the one supplied), with a couple of simple boat straps that I already have, and free up space in the Ford KA. This is perfectly acceptable for the 1/2 mile journey to the drawdock in Fulham.
This will free up space in the boot for the motor ON the trolley and fuel tanks/wheels. With the Rooteq trolley, if the measurements of the Outboard on the trolley and the measurements form the Ford KA with seats folded down are correct (and I think they are), I will be able to load the trolley, taking the handle completely off and sliding the head on a pillow, up to the passenger seat and wheels towards the bumper, without removing the motor from the trolley. With this (and visa versa unloading), set up time and ease and strained back etc. should be much improved. I might even buy a wheel or something to strap onto the head if there is clearance for the boot.
I feel tremendous progress has been made here in ease of setup and I will be posting a picture of this when I go out on Friday (if the roofrack comes on time). The boot setup anyway, I will try even if it means making two runs.
21 March 2016, 23:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25HP
MMSI: 235914577
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Posts: 244
Fulham to QEII bridge (Thames)
I just have to post some pictures of the latest adventure on Friday last week with my friend Ros who had not been out before on the boat.
It was a first with a) coming home in the dark with the navigation light pole (see picture) and experiencing London by night, more photos to follow ... and b) the new mobility scooter battery power pack with 2 cigarette lighter socket and 1 x USB for the navigation aid.
The power pack is self made and the sockets and plugs have no fuses so that the power pack runs the high pressure air pump and boat starter.
21 March 2016, 23:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25HP
MMSI: 235914577
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 244
More photos Thames at night
21 March 2016, 23:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Fulham
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury 25HP
MMSI: 235914577
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 244
Greenwich Yacht Club were very generous and allowed me to moor up for a few hours, an overnight stay is just £20 for a small boat. I stayed just a few hours for less than this.
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