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Old 27 September 2010, 20:17   #41
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Or, if its insured
Increasingly, I find myself thinking that you may be moonlighting as ThE GArfiSh
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Old 13 January 2012, 15:28   #42
Country: UK - England
Town: Yatton
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Engine: Mercury 20hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 32
Hello everyone, happy new year to all.

I havent been on for absolutely ages!!

Well whats been happening since I was last on is, I have been full on restoring my VW beetle and spending little time on the rhib.

However, I have sorted out the very old Merc blueband engine which is now running sweet and pumping water well. I managed to get a few bits from the states to finish it off (including a kill switch as last time I had to pull the HT Leads off and hold them from the plugs until it stalled!!) I never knew it could arc so far to the plug!!

I have the removed the tubes from the hull and removed the entire inner and outer seam including the chamber seperations as all the glue had gone. it is now cleaned and I was in the middle of re-seaming but it got too cold for the glue to cure so waiting for warmer weather now.

One thing is for sure (I totally agree with everyone that said walk away now!!) lol

Not sure if I will ever get round to finishing it, so might end up putting the engine on ebay and putting the hull trailer and tubes, glue etc up for sale also. I havent decided yet.

Catch you all soon

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Old 16 January 2012, 12:29   #43
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
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Happy new year & welcome back!

You now have a working engine. It's not going to be long before the warm weather comes back. After all this time, is another couple of months really going to make any difference? Took me 2.5 years from "bang" to running in, but half the fun of it was the rebuilding.
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Old 16 January 2012, 13:51   #44
Country: UK - England
Town: Yatton
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury 20hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 32
Why thank you and happy new year to you too.

My problem mainly is that we lose our unit at the end of April and with the beetle taking up most of that time, I am going to struggle to get the rhib done also. Dont get me wrong, I would love to get this finished and back in the water (although as I have repaired it I would be keeping very close to land!!)lol.
after all, I have spent £80 on glue, I have the seam material (I just need a good spell of warm weather or a warm building to glue it and leave it for the weekend to let the glue go off)
Once I have the tubes re-sealed then I will let me kids play on them to test the strength then buy more glue if they pass to secure them to the hull again.

I have removed the consol and steering etc and will not be replacing (just a tiller on the engine).

There are a few repairs to the hull required as there was some water in it which I have drilled to drain as the only damage I could find was where the deck meets the hull on the seam it has come away a little but a fairly straight forward fix there.

Like I say, I would love to do it, but time, money and knowledge are my largest enemies on this one!! (I just hate admitting defeat!!)
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Old 17 January 2012, 09:30   #45
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
Ah, yes, loosing workshop space is a bit of a nuisance!

Thinking laterally, if the toobs are off the hull, could you get away with only inflating one or two sections (depending what part you are fixing) and do it in the house? or your garage / shed if you can make enough space? Then when the weather improves, you can stick them back on in the garden.

Nothing wrong with a tiller rib. I used SR4s with a yam 30 tiller version years ago at an outdoor centre. No console = oodles of space & the tiller means you have ultimate manoeverability!
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