''but as far as I am aware the price of most manufactured products that go into a relatively small market is set by what the market can withstand, not how much it costs to produce. Economics controls this, not philanthropy.[/QUOTE]
true - until you go out of business! The chinese are coming, like it or not. It's only a matter of time before they get europeans to come out and get their quality and design sorted out.
British manufacturing is littered with the corporate corpses of companies that thought they could 'slag off' the competition in the vain hope that we would continue to buy british come what may. Failure to prepare for future competition and just charge what you can get away with just annoys customers and makes them look for cheaper alternatives elsewhere. Once these alternatives become available at the right quality and price - goodbye industry. Many yacht manufacturers have learnt this to their expense, you can't rely on 'ours are better than theirs' forever. At £35-£50000+ for a 6.5m rib with engine, i personally can't wait! (bear in mind you can get a new 30' yacht for just over £50000 with engine, sails etc).
It's sad but unfortunately true. I'm glad i'm not a rib manufacturer in europe.

i may not be allowed an opinion as a manufacturer but i can certainly give user feedback!