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Old 02 September 2006, 18:15   #1
Country: Other
Town: San Carlos, Mexico
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Make: LOMAC 730
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Credit to a great Doc

We have had the same doctor for 25 years. Couple of weeks ago a sore started between two of my toes. treated at home with hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic ointment Awoke this Saturday am. early with a throbbing foot. Multiple toes and front half of foot turning red and swollen. Knowing that our Doc. sometimes starts early on a Sat am. I headed to his clinic and ariived at 7.00am.
Carpark empty except for his car, doors locked but a light on in his office. Called wife on mobile knowing she had the tel. number to the back nurses station in the clinic. Doc. answered and said he was not working that day but catching up on paperwork, but to tell me to go bang on back door. This I did. He put me in small surgery room , local anisthetic, sharp knife, lot's of blood and other stuff, shot in arse, and wound dressed and prescription for antibiotics. Bear in mind there was no nursing or support staff arrived yet. Was out of there by 7.45am. and heading home. Called wife on mobile to ask her to plan on picking up prescription. She called chemist who advise that he had just received it by fax.from the Doc. and it was ready for collection. Wife picked up prescription and we both arrived home at 8.45 am. Total cost for whole episode $10.00 for the prescription. Is than not outstanding medical care or what!!!
A big well done to Doc. Gary Rada, Phoenix , AZ
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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