Well, a few thanks are due from me, too.
Thanks to Keith for the conceiving the idea of it all. It was good to meet face to face after all this time, KH.
Thanks to Charles for taking up the reins and getting a grip. You made it all work, Meneer C.
And thanks to Brian for so much of the leg-work and the guided tour. Glad I tucked in behind you instead of crossing the sand bar as we explored the Yealm, BE.
It was also great to meet and talk to a whole load of faces new to me. Daniel Hawkes, Martin Stacey, David Clarkson, Andre Scott, Kevin Ageing Youth, John Crazyhorse, James Jelly and Phillip the Tiger. Nice to meet you, guys.
But there was only so much time and I missed the chance to yarn with Mike C, David V, Graham C, Chris L, Bernie H and Paul B. And anyone else in my less than coherent state I have missed from this list. Next time soon, I hope.
And finally, good to see you again Andy C, Andy M, Pet and the Kids, and Alan and Laura, the Crazy Canadian.
Oh...a quick PS. When I was back in St Mawes unpacking the SIB that was spotted adrift on the ocean by Eagle Eye Cox, I found a wet bit of paper in the gunge and slop in a corner of the boat. On it was a telephone number. I called it and a hugely grateful owner answered. So, folks, no SIB to auction. But I'll do my best to make sure the owner makes his donation to the RNLI on behalf of RIBnet when he comes to collect.
Cheers everyone.