Originally Posted by CJL
Amazing boats!
I've owned three 585's of them now with no build quality problems. I have heard that the later ones made outside of the UK did have some problems (Eg Don't get a Camel trophy one!  )
Camel Trophy boats were all built in the UK it was after that the producton shipped to SA. Hull , Seat pods Console and tubes on the Camels were fine but the fitout ,A frame and gutless engine made it a poor boat.
I've owned a Ribcraft 6.5 and 4,7,5.4 and 8.4 Seariders I think the Searider build is superior to the Ribtec. I definitely believe the Searider is a happier boat offshore and m the rough..
I don't like much like the single spray rail on a Ribtec which I think makes the boat wallow (yaw) a little. I've crossed the Channel (80NM) in a 7.5 and 6.5 Ribtec and no problems with safety or comfort
UK built Ribtecs had the hulls made by Trio Mouldings and Toobs by Henshaws so no problem with quality there Not sure when production of Ribtecs switched to SA but I also believe they continued to make special project boats in the UK for a while. Where was your intended boat made
200 efi's are very guzzley i reckon you'll be burning 170l at WOT if not more