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Old 15 March 2008, 00:29   #1
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Lowrance Nmea2000 networks and Suzis

I have finally settled on and ordered a Lowrance LCX-27C combined plotter sounder for the new build.
The engine manual and online info on integrating the NMEA 2000 option for engine monitoring seems hard to understand without any of the kit actually in my hand but for a simple plotter to outboard install I assume I need to install a network which includes the plotter and outboard and need the cable adaptor to go from the outboard loom to the T adaptor in addition to the normal outboard and plotter contents?
Hopefully that makes sense to someone with a plotter installed on a Suzi.
The other question which isn't that clear from the documentation is exactly what can be monitored on the plotter on the motor? can instantaneous fule consumption be seen without any other parts ? ie from sensors already installed on the motor?
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Old 15 March 2008, 20:19   #2
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The LGC-27C will come complete with a LGC3000 NMEA2K GPS antenna and a basic network consisting a double T and two 120ohm terminators. To this you add the T connector for the Suzuki interface cable and if you are running a K8 engine you will need the adapter that converts round to square. (put simply)

The other issue will be whether you are supplied the blue or red network interface cable. If red its simple, if blue you will need another adapter to connect into the red components supplied with the unit.

This is the data the Suzuki engine will provide to the network:-

• Engine RPM
• Alternator Voltage
• Engine Hours
• Fuel Flow
• Engine Trim
• Fuel Used
• Trip Fuel Used
• Seasonal Fuel Used
• Speed over water (DF300 Only)
• Water Pressure (DF300 Only)
• Current Gear (DF300 Only)
• Standard Diagnostics
o Overheat
o Low Oil Pressure
o Over Rev
o Low Battery Voltage

Combining the fuel info from the engine with the GPS data already on the network you will also get a full package of fuel management data including Economy and Range. Very accurate fuel level (Remaining) can also be achieved if you input your tank size and calibrate the system after the first couple of outings.

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Old 15 March 2008, 21:01   #3
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Cheers for that, I know what to order now.
It looks like there will be so many bits to monitor and play with I can save fuel by just sitting in the drive and playing with the plotter instead of going out........
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Old 20 March 2008, 17:51   #4
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I now have the Plotter and network parts. To connect the engine it looks like I need the interface kit 990C0-88011 for the engine end and an extension 990C0-88007 to run the network to under the engine cover. I don't understand the converter 990C0-88035 though.
It is a 2006 model year engine and the network supplied with the plotter has blue plugs.
I am ordering from brownspoint so I would lile to be sure I am getting the correct parts to integrate the motor into the network. I have everythin in front of me bar the motor which is still in store and in the box.
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Old 20 March 2008, 23:06   #5
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It seems on closer inspection that I have a red network, the plug going into the back of my gps is Blue but everything else is red.
I am still slightly confused on what cables I need to connect a 06 Suzi 90 into a NMEA 2000 red network, think I will have to see about the Suzi manual for the outboard..........
Form what I can gather I need a cable to connect to the outboard and then an extension of the network into the network already in the console. cable numbers are a bit vague online so I am hoping some kind soul has it installed and can give me a pointer before ordering.
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Old 20 March 2008, 23:50   #6
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One more thing...............
Anywhere in the UK good for Lowrance accessories? I need some network bits and a spat for pole mounting my GPS aerial, nowhere comes up within the UK, its all abroad.
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Old 21 March 2008, 00:00   #7
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I can help you with this but it would be a bit easier if you could post a picture of all the bits you currently have- a group shot would be fine and we'll go from there. Otherwise it can be a bit confusing for example you say blue plug at the back of your LCX27 but on that model it should be red?

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Old 21 March 2008, 00:09   #8
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Sorry, box of bits and confusing and misleading instructions from various sources.
After comparing the various bits to various websites and instruction sheets I am now sure I have the following-
One LCX-27C with RED network.
One 06 Suzuki 90FS

I have been running the simulator and after a bit of fiddling have decided I don't need anything eles connected into the network apart from the outboard.
I now assume I need the following-
1. One additional RED T
2. Two RED extension cables to get the network to the engine and GPS aerial at the stern ( I could run one network connection to the stern and put the double T there but it would mean more joints outside the console exposed to the weather) Would I be better running the backbone to the transom and putting the connections in a waterproof box instead?
3. One engine interface (not sure what type or number or if adaptor needed)

Brownspoint are listing some different numbers and only seem to have BLUE t's and connectors which has confused me slightly. I am unsure if they are the correct cables or different ones?

The suzuki manual doesn't even mention networks so its of little help for connections although perusal of loom pictures leads me to believe there is a round plug which is the service port and is the connection for the interface
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Old 21 March 2008, 00:39   #9
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1. Dumb question I know but you need to make sure your model engine is NMEA2000 compatible.

2. You need to buy an engine interface cable which will either be supplied with a blue plug or a red one. Ideally it will be one of the new red ones which connect straight into your LCX27 network but if its blue you'll need an adaptor.

Here are the Lowrance part numbers:-

Suzuki Interface Red - 120-55
Suzuki Interface Blue - 120-061
Blue to Red Adaptor - 127-04

3. You need to get an additional Red T - check this because you may get one with the interface cable.

4. Depending on the installation you may find you have enough cable with both the GPS antenna and the Engine interface to run them back to the helm and construct the backbone of T's and terminators there. This would be the simplest solution and would require less parts. Otherwise, either option you describe would be fine but extending the backbone rather than having two long 'drop' cables running from the helm to the transom would be neater. The new red T's are fully waterproof so can withstand exposure to the elements.

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Old 21 March 2008, 20:00   #10
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I think I can probably answer this one for you! I'm battling with the exact same problems.

I would strongly recommend you extend your backbone of the network down to the transom area, and then have a double red 'T' and a terminating resistor on the end. There is a limit on the max length of the individual device leads to the where they plug into the network, so it's best to have the network backbone running the length of the boat and the device leads short.

You will then need an LGC 3000 GPS aerial (which is the red connector one) to connect onto one of the open plugs on the new tee. Depending upon whether your EP-20 (990C0-88011) is a blue or red (I suspect it will be blue if ordered form Brownspoint), you may need a blue to red adaptor to conenct the EP-20 onto the other spare tee. If you do need this adaptor it is a lowrance MRD2MBL. Good luck

FWIW, the new red Lowrance connectors are the same as the industry standard Micro C.

The converter 990C0-88035 is for adpating the standard EP-20 to connect to the 2008 and newer outboards. You won't need this.
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Old 22 March 2008, 00:46   #11
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I am pretty sure I know what I need now and am considering mounting the GPS aerial on the console and running the backbone direct under the cowling to pick up the outboard interface. I haven't ordered the cables from Brownspoint as they only sem to list blue network parts. The red parts seem to be available within the UK but at a cost.
However I can't find anybody in the UK that seems to sell the pole mount spat to pole mount the aerial, all the Lowrance dealers in the US seems to say they cannot direct import and this seems to be the only place that have them listed.
Any big Lowrance dealers in the UK that I can call and ask/order?
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Old 22 March 2008, 19:40   #12
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Speak to Steve here:-
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Old 12 April 2008, 22:06   #13
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It would have been helpful if Lowrance had actually seen a Suzuki engine before developing their EP20 interface, and in particular the adaptor for the 2008 engines. Suzuki outboards now have a small square female socket on the engine...... exactly the same as what Lowrance have put on the end of their cable. Would someone please tell them you just can't plug a female socket into a female socket .

Does anyone know how to get in touch with Lowrance in the UK?
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Old 12 April 2008, 22:23   #14
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In the US Suzuki engines are now shipping with digital gauges (Suzuki badged LMF's) and the interface cable connects at the helm with a female plug so the current K8 adapter is correct. In the UK, Suzuki are running analogue gauges and therefore the connection is made at the engine which requires a male connector. These adapters are only just becoming available.

Navico UK - 01794 510010

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Old 13 April 2008, 20:39   #15
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Aha.... that makes a little bit of sense and also explains why some forums mention losing your analogue guages when you connect the NMEA guage.
As it happens I've tracked down a supplier of the little square connectors (a suzuki motorcycle spares shop) so I should be able to sort this little problem out.

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