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Old 22 June 2006, 09:31   #1
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i think you will find that not many people use the chat room, when i have visited there i was billy no mates perhaps a quick button or quick access to it or a specific area where anything goes , ie a separate area for posting where folks can let their hair down a bit

to keep this site successful i think there is a balance between getting useful information and having wit and banter that keeps peoples interest and adds some fun to an otherwise very boring world.

i know a lot of folks enjoy the posts by the garfish, jono, rogue, alice, and many many others as it brings a smile in the day.

if you drive the fun loving people to only use the chat area than you might drive them away for good and a lot of others might follow. people would then only use the site for information

typical comments by people that have been away from ribnet for a little while, "boring not much happening". I think the banter adds a lot to the site and its appeal.

i know from the tone of your posts you dont like me or my feedback usually and take every opportunity to put me down, but, it is probably better to speak up than just drift away or stay in the corner

i see you are at rib raid so we will meet for the first time.

Originally Posted by John Kennett
There are a few people on line at the moment.

Where are all the people who like to exchange "witty banter" then [1] ? The chat room is tailor made for that!


[1] They know who I mean!
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Old 22 June 2006, 11:56   #2
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OK, put the kettle on. This is going to be a long one!
Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
i think you will find that not many people use the chat room, when i have visited there i was billy no mates perhaps a quick button or quick access to it
It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation really. I'm not prepared to have a major navigational link at the top of each page pointing to something that is basically dormant. If it becomes an established part of RIBnet, then I'll add the link.

As it is there are two "stickied" threads about it, and isn't exactly an obscure or onerous URL to type.
or a specific area where anything goes , ie a separate area for posting where folks can let their hair down a bit
That's a possibility, but I remain to be convinced that it would be a good use of RIBnet's resources. I'm open to persuasion though. How much would you be prepared to pay?
to keep this site successful i think there is a balance between getting useful information and having wit and banter that keeps peoples interest and adds some fun to an otherwise very boring world.

i know a lot of folks enjoy the posts by the garfish, jono, rogue, alice, and many many others as it brings a smile in the day.
Absolutely, but it's the balance that's important.

Here's a bit of background to chew over:

We're currently running at around 200 posts a day, with about 300 registered members logging in each day and several times more unregistered visitors (who are potential members). It wouldn't take many people posting "wit and banter" at a rate of ten posts a day to have a serious impact on the usefulness of the forums. As one or two do it, others tend to follow.

I don't want to make RIBnet a dull place by any means, but I attribute much of its success to the general quality of the content. Sometimes it may seem like I'm being heavy handed, or over serious, but it's because I think it's important for the site as a whole.
if you drive the fun loving people to only use the chat area than you might drive them away for good and a lot of others might follow. people would then only use the site for information
Information is the driving force of RIBnet. There's plenty of room for a laugh but that's secondary.

The RIBnet forums have been around for a while, and work pretty well. I won't let them degenerate into a free for all. There are few hard and fast rules, but there are certain basic expectations about how people will behave here. If individuals don't like that, that's fine. They may chose not to take part here, but it doesn't mean that they have been "driven away".
typical comments by people that have been away from ribnet for a little while, "boring not much happening". I think the banter adds a lot to the site and its appeal.
As on any forum, people come, people go. I'd rather that RIBnet continues to be a useful resource.
i know from the tone of your posts you dont like me or my feedback usually and take every opportunity to put me down, but, it is probably better to speak up than just drift away or stay in the corner
I've taken note of your feedback, but haven't agreed with it all. Don't take that as a put down though.

The only times I have been a bit more robust with you have been after I asked you publicly and privately to stop Codbaiting, and you persisted. I'm sure that's all behind us now though.
i see you are at rib raid so we will meet for the first time.

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Old 22 June 2006, 12:40   #3
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i did try to do a reply but it got so complicated so i gave up....will let others respond

ps lets have alice back as his posts really add some smiles to a lot of folks faces or reinstate as mollers
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Old 22 June 2006, 13:12   #4
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
There are a few people on line at the moment.

Where are all the people who like to exchange "witty banter" then [1] ? The chat room is tailor made for that!


[1] They know who I mean!
Oi, Lanky... I'll have you know we "were there" in the feckin' beginning... but... much as I like the sound of my own voice... it was a very, very lonely place...though.. at least I could write what I felt like with no risk of the wrath of the Mighty One..
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Old 22 June 2006, 13:25   #5
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Originally Posted by Jono
Oi, Lanky... I'll have you know we "were there" in the feckin' beginning... but... much as I like the sound of my own voice... it was a very, very lonely place...though.. at least I could write what I felt like with no risk of the wrath of the Mighty One..
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Old 22 June 2006, 13:26   #6
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Originally Posted by Jono
I'll have you know we "were there" in the feckin' beginning... but... much as I like the sound of my own voice... it was a very, very lonely place...
It still is. There's tumbleweed blowing across the place right now.

I'm not sure it will ever really take off here, hence my reluctance to "declare" it as a core part of the site. If people do start to use it though, it could be a good outlet for our more vocal members.

You can always leave the chat room open in the background and pop back form time to time to see if anything has happened in the meantime . . .

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Old 22 June 2006, 13:32   #7
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I`m new to these forums, yet i`m hooked already! My mrs tried to hide the laptop just so i`d go shoppin with her!
I personaly feel that as it is, the existing format works very well indeed, if you want to have a larf, it brightens up the day, if you want to be serious, then people will have something to say. Its characters like Hugh Jardon, Codders, Alice etc that make this more enjoyable. It works, we like it how it is. And if the vast majority are staying on the forums either for banter/info, then people have obviously voted with their feet ( or fingers)!
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Old 22 June 2006, 14:03   #8
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Old 22 June 2006, 15:08   #9
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My question, what has this got to do with the chatroom?

John never said that all the "witty banter" would dissapear off the forums.

The chat, in my eyes is a nice alternative to chat to fellow Ribnet members, instant and live. There are several online communities out on internet that function with both a chat and a forum. The same questions can be asked in the chat as can be asked in the forum, altough you will only get an answer from whoever is there at the time. It is great for general conversations with people, there is no more composing messages, posting them and waiting for a reply on the chat!

I am hoping that we can get a semi-permanent buildup of people in the chatroom to make it more enjoyable for everyone!
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Old 22 June 2006, 17:01   #10
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Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon

ps lets have alice back as his posts really add some smiles to a lot of folks faces or reinstate as mollers
Where has he/she gone?
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Old 22 June 2006, 17:41   #11
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Originally Posted by randski
Where has he/she gone?
According to Mr. Kennett my 70 postings in one week was too much. Despite a lengthy posting re. anchoring and another re. spearfishing they were regarded as 'noise'. Therefore, my posts now have to go through a screening process and deemed 'worthy' by himself before being posted.
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Old 23 June 2006, 07:45   #12
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moving to cows arse corner!!! he'll tell you, looks superb.

he is still around but cant post like he used to

anyway hope you are keeping well and will post some pics of your good self from our trip, just not had chance to do that yet!!

take care
Originally Posted by randski
Where has he/she gone?
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Old 23 June 2006, 08:09   #13
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Originally Posted by Alice
According to Mr. Kennett my 70 postings in one week was too much. Despite a lengthy posting re. anchoring and another re. spearfishing they were regarded as 'noise'.
Not all of them, but the majority of them. Please have a look at the first point in the General Posting Guidelines
Therefore, my posts now have to go through a screening process and deemed 'worthy' by himself before being posted.
Which, given the number of times we've gone over this, I think is more than reasonable. Most sites would have simply banned you permanently after your abusive PM when I asked you to tone it down a while back.

As you seem unable or unwilling to moderate your own posts I'm running out of options. I've explained my reasons, but you continue to battle against me.

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Old 23 June 2006, 08:23   #14
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Oh Oh ! comes Mr Grim...RUN AWAY !!...
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Old 23 June 2006, 08:33   #15
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John, this is a good site, but you are genuinely in danger of killing it. The members instantly know whether the site is 'firing' or not, you don't, you're too close. You're problem is that you let your personal views and opinions influence your moderating, kidding yourself that it's in the best interests of the site. For example, The Leeway thing, you obviously have a problem with the guy's supposed 'splashing'. The thread ran way too long and you let it. It boiled down to Fuller and others having fun tearing Lee apart and him being illequipped to defend himself. It wasn't pretty, especially for new members. You obviously have a problem with me, and from what I've heard of you, I doubt whether there's much danger of you and I becomming drinking buddies. However, I feel that your personal opinion of me is clouding your judgement as to what is good for your site. The SW guys are now off with their own forum and will be interesting to see who follows. Chris
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Old 23 June 2006, 09:19   #16
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Originally Posted by Alice
John, this is a good site, but you are genuinely in danger of killing it. The members instantly know whether the site is 'firing' or not, you don't, you're too close.
I don't believe that's correct, but I am interested to hear what other people think.
You're problem is that you let your personal views and opinions influence your moderating, kidding yourself that it's in the best interests of the site.
Maybe we just have different views on what's best for the site?
For example, The Leeway thing, you obviously have a problem with the guy's supposed 'splashing'. The thread ran way too long and you let it. It boiled down to Fuller and others having fun tearing Lee apart and him being illequipped to defend himself. It wasn't pretty, especially for new members.
Leeway came onto the forums declaring that he had designed a new rib. He claimed that it was his own work when it was clearly not. He got stick for this. I removed some abusive posts from both sides of the argument, but otherwise left it well alone. I think that's a reasonable approach.

fede has recently shown pictures of the RIB he has designed. When asked about the origins of the hull, he explained his influences and showed the making of the mould. This earnt him respect. Compare and contrast!
You obviously have a problem with me,
I really don't actually, although I am finding this a bit frustrating. If I really had a problem with you I would just have banned you permanently rather than trying to find a way forward.

Just before you posted this I PM'd you an invitation to call me. That still stands.
and from what I've heard of you, I doubt whether there's much danger of you and I becomming drinking buddies.
Oooh, what have you heard? Do tell me more!
However, I feel that your personal opinion of me is clouding your judgement as to what is good for your site.
Nope. As I explained, it's purely the volume of irrelevant posts that I have the problem with. It's not about you.
The SW guys are now off with their own forum and will be interesting to see who follows. Chris
That's fine, the internet is a big place and there's room for everyone.

RIBnet is what it is. Nothing has changed here in the way that the site is run, but from time to time there are some people who find it's just not for them. I do my best, but you can't please all the people all the time.

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Old 23 June 2006, 09:22   #17
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Is the moderator moderating?
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Old 23 June 2006, 09:25   #18
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You're problem is that you let your personal views and opinions influence your moderating, kidding yourself that it's in the best interests of the site.(quote)

Im new here, and find it a fantastic site for info and issues, and the `crak` is just lighthearted fun. So why change it or add something else that has shown so far not to work very well, or perhaps that no one wants?
Maybe some other people in addition to existing moderaters? Just a thought...
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Old 23 June 2006, 09:32   #19
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Well Ribnet is over 6 years old, so I think JK may be doing something right!
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Old 23 June 2006, 09:39   #20
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Originally Posted by Alice
Is the moderator moderating?
Well, I'm "moderating" your posts, although I've approved them all so far.

I haven't "moderated" anyone else's posts recently (although, believe it or not, I did remove a dig at Leeway from someone's post yesterday)

If you mean am I "moderating" (or changing) my view on things, then no!

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