16 April 2013, 15:10
Country: South Africa
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16 April 2013, 15:58
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Originally Posted by Flippie
Hy there boys and Girls
I just bought this Zodiac but dont know anything about this duck but ill attached some pics and if somebody knows anything about this type of duck please let me know
I know that you can remove the pontoons without any problem it slides in a groove on the hull of the boat.
here is some pics
Looks nowt like a duck to me
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16 April 2013, 20:07
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
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Welcome to Ribnet!
I guess that is about 5 & a bit metres? I know nothing about the boat but good choice of power!
17 April 2013, 07:10
Country: South Africa
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Yea sorry i am from South Africa and here whe call them rubberducks or short a duck.
A friend told me i must post the rubberduck pics over here on this Forum and you guys whill probly know what the history behind this type of duck is.
but i also thought its a 5.5m or something but i would like the to know why they did the pull-out pontoons it is like you can have your pontoon ready made and if your pontoons get damaged you just pull the old one out and put the new straight on no fuss.
17 April 2013, 10:25
Country: UK - Scotland
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I think the other half of the idea is you can take them off if you want to store it somewhere very narrow.
As I;m now on a real computer, I now realise I didnlt imagine what I thought I saw on the phone last night - your Port Engine - get the anodes checked / replaced - that bubbling opaiont would hint to me there is corrosion going on there.
If ther anode (bottom of the clamp & the trim tab) is OK, it might be worth having a crawl round checking the short earth wires that connect the "boig" lumps of the leg etc. - I lost an entire powerhead on a yam because one 5cm bit of wire had broken.....
It may of course be that the two engines came from differnet sources and one has seen more "life" than the other.
17 April 2013, 10:57
Country: South Africa
Town: Swellendam
Boat name: dont have a name yet
Make: Zodiac
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp Yamahas
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Posts: 6
Originally Posted by 9D280
I think the other half of the idea is you can take them off if you want to store it somewhere very narrow.
As I;m now on a real computer, I now realise I didnlt imagine what I thought I saw on the phone last night - your Port Engine - get the anodes checked / replaced - that bubbling opaiont would hint to me there is corrosion going on there.
If ther anode (bottom of the clamp & the trim tab) is OK, it might be worth having a crawl round checking the short earth wires that connect the "boig" lumps of the leg etc. - I lost an entire powerhead on a yam because one 5cm bit of wire had broken.....
It may of course be that the two engines came from differnet sources and one has seen more "life" than the other.
the whas standing in storage for just ove a year and whas never looked at so that is why i got it for such a good price (R15000) and if i spend another R15000) it whil basicly be a new boat with older motors in perfect conditions.
and the value whil be around R45000 so it is a good deal.
Yes they busy removing all corrosion and respraying both motors.
the corrosion plates at the bottom is getting replaced the motors inside i getting a service and new wiring.
whe are doing everything there is, whe are not skipping anything.
i would like know some history of the duck why they did the slidding pontoons and whas it sucsesfull.
whe are gonna glue the new pontoons to the duck but just would like to know why they ventured that way.
17 April 2013, 12:36
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
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Someone with more knowledge (Loco?) might be able to give a more official account, but I remember a chat with a dealer when I first saw them where I was told it was mainly for storage (it's amazing how small the solid bit of the hull is without tubes) & ease of replacememnt. As he pointed out, you could buy toobs in 3 colours & swap them to suit your mood!
17 April 2013, 13:01
Country: South Africa
Town: Swellendam
Boat name: dont have a name yet
Make: Zodiac
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Posts: 6
Originally Posted by 9D280
Someone with more knowledge (Loco?) might be able to give a more official account, but I remember a chat with a dealer when I first saw them where I was told it was mainly for storage (it's amazing how small the solid bit of the hull is without tubes) & ease of replacememnt. As he pointed out, you could buy toobs in 3 colours & swap them to suit your mood! 
Ok cool thanks whe have enough storage but thanks
17 April 2013, 18:43
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The boat tubes are made of PVC and the glue for accessories is starting to fail. Anything glued will need to be removed and reglued with the proper two part glue. IE: the rope tie in pieces. The tubes themselves are thermo-welded and should last a good long time yet. They don't like sun so keep it under a cover or carport etc.
17 April 2013, 21:50
Country: USA
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I think that's one of the early Zodiac Hurricane models they made before transitioning into more commercial type ribs. It's likely PVC tubes as they look the same as my zodiac pro 7. They offered hypalon at some point on hurricanes though so maybe they could be.
Depending on your local prices, retubing can be very expensive. Being able to order new tubes and slide them on yourself (or with friends) will save you a lot of money down the road on labor.
My tubes are holding strong even though they're 28 years old! Depends on sun exposure most likely.
17 April 2013, 22:34
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It's an early Zodiac Pro 530 (with lace cuff at the bow).
Link here: http://www.rib.net/forum/f8/tubes-fo...0-a-33683.html
Is that with or without VAT?
17 April 2013, 22:48
Country: UK - England
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Zodiac still have removable tubes on that size of boat. It's PVC but cheaper to replace as produced in greater numbers and not bespoke.I have a Pro Open 550. The hull is different, but the principle of the tube system is the same. I also have a bigger Uk manufactured boat with glued on hypalon, its a very well made boat, but in fairness the smaller zodiac fairs pretty well .
17 April 2013, 22:50
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Originally Posted by Peter_C
The tubes themselves are thermo-welded
Are they? The seam tapes look they've been glued on. I thought thermo welded PVC had a smooth welded edge to the seam tape?
As an aside,I know Zodiac did this for some reason back in the 70's/80's with some of their PVC sibs-Ballastboy's Zed 31 and Sixy's old Zed 34 are constructed that way, so the glued seams aren't necessarily any indication of PVC over hypalon.
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17 April 2013, 22:55
Country: UK - England
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Seams are similar to mine from the photos. Thats a 2008. The one at the bow looks a bit stressed though..
17 April 2013, 23:25
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Yep, sliding tubes are much faster to swap in case you need to buy new ones than traditionally gluing them to hull which could be a costly and time demanding job. If not mistaken Zodiac is the only brand that have those type of tubes as seen on Medline, ProII & Pro Open models and probably in the Hurricane too. Zodiac have them in stock so a piece of cake to order and change.
Happy Boating
18 April 2013, 07:22
Country: South Africa
Town: Swellendam
Boat name: dont have a name yet
Make: Zodiac
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp Yamahas
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Posts: 6
Morning Chaps
Thanks for the Replys whe are busy retubing them cuz the old pontoons were done the boat is well over 25 years old and it whasnt looked after so thats why i got it for so cheap and the Repontoning is less expensive cuz it is my best friend that works at Falcon inflatables.
the seams has been glued together but the new ones whil be thermo welded
thanks for this
18 April 2013, 07:42
Country: USA
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Posts: 205
Interesting that this boat below is a Zodiac Hurricane 5.3. That's a pretty distinctive hull and even the tubes look the same to me. Maybe there's some overlap in models in the early years?
18 April 2013, 08:10
Country: South Africa
Town: Swellendam
Boat name: dont have a name yet
Make: Zodiac
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp Yamahas
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18 April 2013, 12:33
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It does indeed look like a Pro 530 (look identical to mine). From what I understand, there was a Hurricane version which was pretty much identical, although may have been a thicker hull construction. Check the identification plate as this will confirm either way.
These are good boats for better weather/clamer days and mine makes good progress with 6 on board and a modest engine on the back. The wide beam gives masses of deck space and a stable platform for divers/fishing etc but gets a bit uncomfprtable under heavier seas, although still quite capable. The "outriggers" for want of a better description seem to keep the boat very flat through the turns, however it is still very manouverable.
As mentioned earlier, the tubes are pvc and are still available for replacement. Mine were replaced about 4 years ago, making the boat look almost new again.
Hope this helps,
19 April 2013, 03:47
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by columbiachop
Interesting that this boat below is a Zodiac Hurricane 5.3. That's a pretty distinctive hull and even the tubes look the same to me. Maybe there's some overlap in models in the early years?
It is not actually a Hurricane. It is a leisure Zodiac Pro 530 built at the Hurricane factory. The Hurricane 530 is much narrower and does not have the deep strakes on the outside of the hull. I actually have one of each at the moment. Hurricane does build a identical hull which they modeled the H533.
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