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Old 26 May 2024, 08:04   #1
Country: USA
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Boat name: Dundoin
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Hello All, What a cool forum site. Question already...

Hey all, Im Mike from Newport Beach California. I just bought a new AB 12' Ventus RIB with a Yamaha 20hp. I ran the boat for the first two hour break in not exceeding half throttle per the manual. I was surprised at how strong the 20 is for this boat. Boat only weighs 150lbs and we were able to get up on a fast plane at 1/4 throttle with over 500 lbs on the boat.
I'm happy I have the 20hp but since I intend to mostly cruise the large marina we have here at 5mph with the grandson, I feel that 20hp is a bit overkill for an old guy like me. I'll be happy to have it if I can ever get it out on a lake.
I went ahead and spent more money... and just ordered a new Honda 5hp to use most of the time. I pick it up next week.

I want to get opinions on the new Honda 5hp (good and bad) and is it enough for harbor cruising on my 12' boat carrying 400 lbs
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Old 26 May 2024, 09:45   #2
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Hello and welcome to the forum. Those small light ribs do seem to go well for any outboard size compared to a soft hull fully inflatable.

Not the ideal time to ask for opinions on a new outboard if you've already ordered!

Anyway Honda have a good name but in truth any of the major brand 5/6hp motors would probably be similar.

The only comment I would make, and this is too late really, is that a modern 4-stroke 20hp is very happy trolling along at low speeds so you could have just continued to use that. I'd assume the RIB is on a trailer or in a marina? However if for some reason you are manhandling the outboard on an off each trip then the reduction from the Yamaha's weight down to the 60lbs of the Honda will be very welcome.
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Old 26 May 2024, 11:18   #3
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Hello and welcome to the forum. Those small light ribs do seem to go well for any outboard size compared to a soft hull fully inflatable.

Not the ideal time to ask for opinions on a new outboard if you've already ordered!

Anyway Honda have a good name but in truth any of the major brand 5/6hp motors would probably be similar.

The only comment I would make, and this is too late really, is that a modern 4-stroke 20hp is very happy trolling along at low speeds so you could have just continued to use that. I'd assume the RIB is on a trailer or in a marina? However if for some reason you are manhandling the outboard on an off each trip then the reduction from the Yamaha's weight down to the 60lbs of the Honda will be very welcome.
This^^^^^^^ Just stick with the 20hp & only use as much power as you need. You might be thankful one day when one of your compatriots who's had a "happy day" out on the water comes steaming in in his large overpowered cruiser. That extra power on your transom could get you out of trouble.
PS better to ask questions before the fact
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Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
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Old 26 May 2024, 16:39   #4
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Honda 5hp

Thank you for the replies and feedback. The one thing I didn't mention is that I like to have my grandson sit with me and control the motor and didn't want the power of the 20hp in his hand as he is a rambunctious little guy and would think it was funny to twist the throttle and pitch his mom...
I had the opportunity to purchase the new honda 5hp at a great price this weekend while looking for a Yamaha 6hp. I trailer the boat and will most likely keep the 5hp mounted for the marina.
Happy days!
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Old 26 May 2024, 17:06   #5
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I have an older Honda 5hp that is used as a kicker. It is run every time I take the boat out and always starts. The USCG runs Honda's on many of their boats so that should say something about Honda.

Now I got my 5hp from a guy who "upgraded" to a Torqeedo electric outboard that produces the same torque, if not more, as he was pushing a 22' sailboat on the San Francisco Bay to get in and out of the harbor.

Like others I have no problems running a larger engine at idle. In 5mph zones I just cruise along on the 75hp.
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