17 November 2000, 13:44
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel, IOM
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,511
Which Way?
I am planning a trip from Plymouth to Oban early next summer. From Lands End should I go to Kinsale and then up the West coast of Ireland or to Rosslare and up the East coast or over to Milford Haven and follow the Welsh coast up?
I will be in a well-found boat, in no hurry but would prefer to do no more than 200 miles per day. Advice please.
17 November 2000, 14:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
The right answer to this one really depends on what you want to do!
Going via the west coast of Ireland is a much longer way round, and can be extremely exposed -- but if you want to explore Ireland then that's the way to go.
On the other hand, a route up the Irish Sea will be shorter, and gives you plenty of options for places to stop on the way. You'll also have the opportunity to pick alternative stopovers if the weather closes in.
How about something like Plymouth, Milford Haven, Holyhead, Dublin, Bangor, Oban? Five days, five countries (sort of!) and there's always the Isle of Man too . . .
John Kennett
17 November 2000, 23:18
Country: Ireland
Town: Ireland
Boat name: Ally Cat
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Length: 6m +
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 333
Hi Brian ,
If you are in no particular hurry ,then I definitely reccomend the West coast route . Kinsale , Dingle , Aran Islands or Galway / Connemara ( named after my ancestors the McNamaras Mac-son , Na-of the , Mara- Sea.. Son's of the hounds of the sea ....Pirates basically ! ) , Donegal and Bangor NI . There are a host of other interim ports along the way . Superb scenery , cruising grounds Food ......Ceol Cainnt agus Craic !
I am originally from Kinsale and my company Lough Ree Power Boat School has it's advanced powerboat training areas off of County Mayo's Islands . Feel free to give me a call at any time for any advice on passage planning and social planning ! Contact details on our website www.powerboat.org .
As I am also a serving Army Captain , I tend to travel around quite a bit so the best no to reach me day time is my mobile no 00 353 86 8149803
Best wishes ,
Stuart www.powerboat.org
27 November 2000, 16:41
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
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Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
Now if you'd followed the advice of your friends you wouldn't have a RIB so big that you couldn't hitch her up behind your car and travel north at 60mph!!
Sounds like an interesting trip. The other one you might consider is the Portpatrick-Donhadee raid that Offshore Expdeitions is organising. I am planning to do it crewing for my mate Chris in his Scorpion.
AGM Yesterday. I'm on the committee now so watch the power go to my head. Will be working on the cruising programme so watch out for a request for you to organise somthing out of Plymouth!!
28 November 2000, 07:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Now that you have risen to the giddy heights of the BIBOA committee, your mission (should you chose to accept it!) is to get the rest of them to contribute to this forum . . .
Looking forward to a good season next year --I'll be updating the events calendar shortly. Any chance of sorting out the weather?
04 December 2000, 19:16
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
I can't imagine the power of being on the BIBOA committee corrupting one very much at all!
Will try to sort the weather for 2001 - I think its all related to me finishing the work on my house e.g. cant go ribbing cos too much DIY to do. Ergo finish the DIY and the weather will change so we can go Ribbing!!
Already got Brian (who started this topic) lined up for a Devon weekend. Brian if you read this thanks for the Excel file but 1MB of data is not what I need when my mailbox is already full! Looks like a plan.
John, We should talk about Easter. I reckon we ought to do the Solent for tradition if nothing else but do it differently from the normal Yarmouth/Lymington based BIBOA weekend. Thoughts?
05 December 2000, 16:23
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
It's going to be neaps at Easter which means low water at lunchtime. How about this for a nice easy, long weekend . . .
Base: Haslar Marina, Gosport
Friday 13 April (ooerr!)
Meet for lunch on board the lightship at Haslar Marina. Take a gentle trip up Portsmouth Harbour, having a look at the warships etc. Visit Portchester Castle at high water (4-5pm), then go to Port Solent for a beer. Either stay at Port Solent for dinner, or return to Gosport/Gosport
Saturday 14 April
A clockwise trip round the Isle of Wight, stopping at Yarmouth (inevitably) for lunch, then at the Jolly Sailor in Ashlett Creek for a beer or two on the way back (4-6pm). Back to Gosport.
Sunday 15 April
Cruise to Chichester Harbour for sight seeing, then lunch at Itchenor (either the Ship Inn or the sailing club). On the flood tide, up to Bosham for a beer or two in the Anchor Bleu, then back to Gosport.
Monday 16 April
To Ferry Boat Inn on Hayling Island (just inside entrance to Langstone Harbour) for lunch and to marvel at the antics of people launching and retrieving their boats on the slipway! After lunch disperse to give other people a laugh as we recover our boats . . .
Comments/suggestions welcome from anyone!
John Kennett
11 December 2000, 18:36
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
Sounds like an excellent itinery, consider yourself volunteered!!
Will be in touch soon. Would like to get the BIBOA website a bit more jazzed up and uptodate. If you have the time, I'll provide the information!
Still awaiting my first committee meeting. So much for "before Christmas!"
11 December 2000, 20:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Ah, there you are. I wondered where you had got to!
Sounds like an excellent itinery, consider yourself volunteered!!
I've done my bit already -- you've got a plan, what more do you want?
Seriously though, there shouldn't be too much organising to do. I'm certainly not going to get involved with booking tables or arranging dinner functions, but I don't mind making arrangements with Haslar.
I'll call you later in the week.
11 December 2000, 22:02
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
Is there a slipway at Haslar?
12 December 2000, 11:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Yes there is, although last time I looked at it I wasn't very impressed!
There's a very good one at Camber Dock in Old Portsmouth on the opposite shore, alternatively there is a superb slipway at Gosport at the Fareham Inshore Rescue Service (GAFIRS) HQ at Gilkicker point, which is a few minutes drive from Haslar.
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