I was out bombing around in my Bombard Explorer 550 yesterday having a merry old time and towards the end of my trip our there was a chap floating out into the Solent (Just off Hurst Castle) on a small SIB, his engine had packed in so I did the right thing and towed him back into Keyhaven. No problem there but upon returning out to Hurst Castle to collect my family I noticed the rear of the boat was full of water, possibly form towing, possibly because I forgot to open the drain plugs in the transom. I emptied the water as best I could and made it back to shore and emptied some more. It looks liked new water was still coming in. Without many options I left it overnight on it's mooring and the Bilge pump on auto. I ran down this morning at low tide where it was beached up so I could open the drain plug, not much came out and it sits on a fair incline with the bow up so it drains well. Few, it seems no big issue.
I went to check on it just now at high tide and it's still floating

but there is some water in the hull, that's always been the case and too little for the bilge pump to pump but enough to irritate me. As I was looking around I noticed a small leak coming in from the starboard side rear, where the tube meets the hull and a distance from the transom to about 12 inches was watery. No water gushing in, just a noticeable wet patch that if you dried, it would appear again within a minute.
I suspect this is why the deck was getting wet last year and the ongoing source of my water ingress issues I've mentioned before. Now, I beleive (please correct me) the tubes are glued onto the hull and it could be that the glue has failed, the boat probably about 20 years old now and not worth much.
I know I could get it retubed but it's not worth the cost, can anyone suggest a cost effective way to tackle this? I can get the boat onto it's trailer easily enough and bring it home to work on. Could I deflate the tube on the starboard side and inject some form of sealant to block any small leaky areas? Honestly, it's a small leak area and I can't really pinpoint it exactly other than a 1-2 foot strip of tube/hull.
Thanks for any constructive advice other than scrap it or take it to a specialist who will charge £3K when the boat is probably only worth about £2K.