I am insured with Craftinsure and on my policy it states in under...
Territorial Scope:
Whilst ashore or in transit or afloat on inland and coastal waters of the United Kingdom and Ireland, and for a period not exceeding 30 days in any one period of insurance in Europe.
IMOGEN is a Cat C boat so...
for the upcoming Isle of Man trip I wanted to make sure that I was covered on my policy so I rang Craftinsure and asked how far of the coast do they class as to be offshore because I want to make a trip to the Isle of Man he told me that Coversure do not put a distance on the policy and that they class the Isle of Man to be in UK coastal waters and would I be in the company of other boats when making this trip, and when I said yes he said that they would not have a problem with my cover for a such a trip on my existing policy and there would be no further charge.

I also asked him that if I wanted to go to Ireland would the same apply ? he said as long as I was in company of other boats the same would apply.

Good to know and glad I made that call.
I will send them an email asking them to clarify this
It might be prudent for other members who have got Cat C boats to check with their insurers to see if they offer the same cover if looking at undertaking such trips in the future.