01 April 2017, 16:32
Country: UK - Scotland
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Mystery hull identification
Hi just wondering if anyone can identify this hull we just acquired it couldn't have been any cheaper as it was free but I'd like to know what we have
Its 5.7m from point of tubes to rear of tubes or 5.4 from transom to front of tubes
It has a flooding hull with the air intake in the front of the floor rather than the hull like a searider and a big hole in the rear deck to drain the deck rather than elephants trunks
Any info gratefully received
03 April 2017, 09:32
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: north ayrshire
Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
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Nobody got any clues on this ? I thought someone would have thrown up a name straight away
It looks a bit Avon ish but I'm sure it's not a 5.4
03 April 2017, 12:31
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03 April 2017, 13:57
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
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Thanks Jeff There is a bit of a family resemblance but the boat is larger than the 4m you linked to
I've tried googling the 5.5 flatacraft but no good pictures come up the 100% confirm
Anyone got any good pics of a one
03 April 2017, 14:35
Country: UK - England
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have a look on here thread started by JSP 18th sept 2008.
rodellaribs 6th march 2014 post 23 similar pics
03 April 2017, 15:03
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
have a look on here thread started by JSP 18th sept 2008.
rodellaribs 6th march 2014 post 23 similar pics
Yes indeed it looks very similar and the phantom hull would make sense as its quite narrow and a reasonable vee however no mention of a flooding hull
Our boat has a flooding hull which looks pretty standard
At first glance it looked like the one we have was either a force 5 or maybe a 6 depending on how they measured them but the flooding hull is making me think maybe not
03 April 2017, 15:13
Country: UK - England
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03 April 2017, 15:16
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
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Just had another look and I think you are correct Jeff there are too many similarities to the picture of the merlin to discount it. I guess flatacraft did a few models some flooding some not
Thanks for the pointer I'll do some more digging and see what info I can find
03 April 2017, 15:35
Country: UK - England
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i owned a force 4 gt years ago handles on the stern /stubby tube ends thats what made me think flatacraft and you're right they did lots of variations built in leicester from memory.
possibly dive / safety boat with flooding hull for stability? thier bow tubes tendered to be thinner too as i recall
03 April 2017, 17:37
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could those fittings be for a bow tank, rather than a flooding hull void?
03 April 2017, 17:46
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...Old BWM?
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
03 April 2017, 23:24
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: north ayrshire
Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
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Posts: 4,058
Can't find much info on them but I do think Jeff is correct and it is a flatacraft I found another picture of one on rib net which showed the flooding hull
I guess the next decision is is it worth resurrecting it the tubes are in not too bad shape a few patches and 2 chambers lose air from failed patches but the material itself is pretty good
Question is will the boat be worth what I put into it to get it useable
04 April 2017, 08:14
Country: UK - England
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cleaned up it will look a different boat but value isn't going to be that much and its down to how you value your time if you have nothing on and want to potter on it a few hours a week then it might be worth doing the patches and a general tidy get it something like and ebay it as a bare hull someone out there on a budget might go for it, handy as a work boat etc
04 April 2017, 09:20
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Originally Posted by beamishken
Question is will the boat be worth what I put into it to get it useable
Economics and boats rarely make sense.
Unless you are going to use it yourself, if it were me I would get it cleaned up as much as possible, fix the patches so it holds air and probably stick a tidy used console on it so seems more like a ready to use boat and put it on eBay. Now is the time for gung-ho buyers, especially with the current weather. If you can't do that by end of month pressure wash and sell now?
04 April 2017, 13:29
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: north ayrshire
Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
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Originally Posted by Poly
Economics and boats rarely make sense.
Unless you are going to use it yourself, if it were me I would get it cleaned up as much as possible, fix the patches so it holds air and probably stick a tidy used console on it so seems more like a ready to use boat and put it on eBay. Now is the time for gung-ho buyers, especially with the current weather. If you can't do that by end of month pressure wash and sell now?
Yes your right the previous owner was going to cut it up as he only wanted the console but I thought it was a shame as the hypalon is in reasonable nick. Now it's back at home I'm thinking 'what have I done'
A couple of patches will get it airtight and I'll look out for a cheap console to make it look more usable
Then Gumtree or eBay I think
04 April 2017, 13:38
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In it's favour - it is ready for a quick flip over and compounding, back over and a decent clean, re-patch and shine up. You could probably shift one of yer less desirable OBMs at the same time...
16 July 2017, 10:37
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This is the rib now. Had it down to Chris at SIT and they repaired the tubes. Picked up a cheap console on gumtree to mount. Just need the outboard sorted out and we are away.
16 July 2017, 11:38
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
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Posts: 7,549
What a transformation  when you get her fitted out take some pics same angle as the originals to show how she's been resurrected brilliant.
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