20 April 2011, 11:16
Country: UK - England
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and some more,last pic was how it was many years ago
20 April 2011, 11:22
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Originally Posted by LeewayComposite
We make ribs not hard top boats. That boat would never even fit into our workshop so sorry to burst your bouble "no we didn't use it as a plug"
it would have fitted in your old workshop where it was surely, i'll take your word you never used it as a plug, back to my original questions did you own and sell it?
20 April 2011, 11:23
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 711
Originally Posted by LeewayComposite
We make ribs not hard top boats. That boat would never even fit into our workshop so sorry to burst your bouble "no we didn't use it as a plug"
after all these years i have to hand it to lee,you really do keep the dream alive,so much so that you believe it yourself now.anyway i think it was proved you were a splasher years ago,but funny how it keeps raising its ugly head. good luck with sale,how about you give steve baker 50% of the sale price,so you can have a clear consensh,and make an old man happy.
20 April 2011, 12:11
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Originally Posted by Carl
and some more,last pic was how it was many years ago
That's Maltese Magnum. Not a Scarab. But yes, those are the original pictures from when it was in his yard.
20 April 2011, 12:17
Country: UK - England
Town: swanwick/hamble
Boat name: stormchaser
Make: custom rib
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Posts: 3,848
jesus, i've had loads of calls about this lot on here, i'm not posting anymore on this guy, he's a lying idiot and i'm not coming down to his level.
all i'll say is BUYER BEWARE!
20 April 2011, 12:22
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 711
Originally Posted by gotchiguy
That's Maltese Magnum. Not a Scarab. But yes, those are the original pictures from when it was in his yard.
correct,its got a new home now, and is being restored. biffer think ill join you on that one
20 April 2011, 14:45
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Originally Posted by biffer
jesus, i've had loads of calls about this lot on here, i'm not posting anymore on this guy, he's a lying idiot and i'm not coming down to his level.
all i'll say is BUYER BEWARE!
I think its very wise of you to refrain from posting anything further considering you've just libelled him...
20 April 2011, 15:04
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Originally Posted by timw
I think its very wise of you to refrain from posting anything further considering you've just libelled him...
Only if its untrue, which is still the point.
20 April 2011, 15:12
RIBnet admin team
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I wonder I wonder...
If one accused another party of Libel, but this was unfounded, would one be guilty of Libel oneself?
Like I say guys, it's pointless to argue with it - you're just encouraging it
20 April 2011, 15:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
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Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
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Posts: 691
Originally Posted by willk
- you're just encouraging it

PM's certainly are...
20 April 2011, 18:09
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Originally Posted by timw
PM's certainly are...
Went Fishing Tim, got a few nibbles and caught nothing
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
20 April 2011, 20:52
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"anyone who wishes to buy leeway will have a guarantee that its debt free and making profit... "
Really? A guarantee.....? My local contact who works next door to the unit said there were two briefcase carrying 'suits' looking for the proprietor at the yard recently, rattling the doors and it wasn't the Chuckle Brothers - like the man said - 'caveat emptor'
By the way this isn't libel (written) or slander (spoken)
Incidentally how is it possible to confuse a mass produced American Scarab with a classic British 1960 powerboat - has no one read the 'Sonny' Levi biography or watched a re-run of Miami Vice ? Come on people, it's time for pastel jackets, rolled up sleeves and dodgy footwear to make a welcome return (and the Scarab would never fit into the unit from my recollections)
Crockett & Tubbs - role models for a generation.....
21 April 2011, 17:16
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Leeway
Make: leeway 730
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Posts: 345
Originally Posted by North Shore
"anyone who wishes to buy leeway will have a guarantee that its debt free and making profit... "
Really? A guarantee.....? My local contact who works next door to the unit said there were two briefcase carrying 'suits' looking for the proprietor at the yard recently, rattling the doors and it wasn't the Chuckle Brothers - like the man said - 'caveat emptor'
By the way this isn't libel (written) or slander (spoken)
Incidentally how is it possible to confuse a mass produced American Scarab with a classic British 1960 powerboat - has no one read the 'Sonny' Levi biography or watched a re-run of Miami Vice ? Come on people, it's time for pastel jackets, rolled up sleeves and dodgy footwear to make a welcome return (and the Scarab would never fit into the unit from my recollections)
my contact who works in leeway "me" has not seen the chuckel brothers or the men in black. I can say we are not the only company in the yard. Yes I do give gaurentee "no dept" I'm happy for any contract to be drawn up saying if dept was to pop up i would be accountable for it.
I don't usualy hold a job for more than 2 years but after a good living for the last 9 years from leeway Its time for me to go. Unless it doesn't sell then I'll be here for longer..
Thank you all for the posts and please keep them coming as I'm recieving interest from this thread :0)
21 April 2011, 20:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
Make: RibEye/Ferretti 881
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yamaha 25/Twin MTU
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 691
Excellent response. That should silence them!
Just one example from the pm's I have received regarding this thread is as follows,
"I do admire your comment re leeway , there are a lot of arseholes who contribute here, but would never have the balls to start a business let alone be in a position to sell one.
Hope your keeping well "
Obviously I shall not reveal who wrote this pm.
You have many supporters...best of luck with the sale.
21 April 2011, 22:28
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by timw
Obviously I shall not reveal who wrote this pm.
I'm surprised you quoted someone swearing. It's a little hypocritical,given your usual stance as the Guardian of Pubic Morals.
You don't do PM's either, remember...
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22 April 2011, 00:10
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Originally Posted by timw
Hang you head in shame...
twatw is back
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
23 April 2011, 01:53
Country: UK - England
Town: I.O.W
Boat name: Leeway
Make: leeway 730
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Engine: 250hp = 73mph :0)
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 345
Originally Posted by timw
Excellent response. That should silence them!
Just one example from the pm's I have received regarding this thread is as follows,
"I do admire your comment re leeway , there are a lot of arseholes who contribute here, but would never have the balls to start a business let alone be in a position to sell one.
Hope your keeping well "
Obviously I shall not reveal who wrote this pm.
You have many supporters...best of luck with the sale.
Thank you timw,
great post and thank you for the possitive feedback. I have had a few really supportive pms to.
Thank you again
09 May 2011, 10:11
Country: UK - England
Town: I.O.W
Boat name: Leeway
Make: leeway 730
Length: 7m +
Engine: 250hp = 73mph :0)
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 345
Thank you all those who have shown Interest. I have refused two offers on selected moulds as not really interested in selling mould individuly but if somone is interested in all moulds or most moulds and not the brand name I'm sure a deal can be done :0) new lower asking price for compleate business and happy to talk about offers..
If anyone wants to post please do, good to keep the thread going :0)
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