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Old 19 January 2021, 21:49   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Inverness
Boat name: Knotty Rita!
Make: Zodiac pro 9
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Posts: 46
Avon SR4 Engine choice for selling ???

Bare with me on this, much to tell !
I have an Avon sr4. She had a yamaha (late 80s engine) 40hp engine. Electric and manual start.
Engine runs spot on, new prop but not genuine Yamaha. Always takes 5-7 attempts to start but once running is spot on, 27mph-32 mph 2up.
I then Bought a 1999 Yamaha 50hp autolube, one owner from new but manual start only. Bought a Brand new Yamaha Prop. I got 32mph-36mph with me and my 18 year old son, on my own was 7mph.
A few marks on hood but still very clean on outside, under hood looks like new and not done many hours.
Last year i stripped the SR4. I made a centre console and cut up parts of the boat to make something more fit for purpose (fishing).
I bought the BOW fuel tank which is an American Import (which i haven't fitted but should balance the weight out so i can go more than 7mph on my own) and put a small seat on it.(again, made but not fitted(it's cold at this time of year)). You have space at the front, then console with 1-2 person Jockey seat and another 2 person seat at the back.
Ideally it's a 2 person boat with lots of sitting options.
The boat has patches, possibly lots. Previous owner had boat for 15-20 years.
After refurb i painted the interior, i then painted the tubes but a tin was barely covering the basics and the 2nd tin accumulating to £120 i drew a line...
(Will hold air for 10 or so days before needing a top up, nearer 20 in the summer)
Now, here is my Question. I want another summer from what i have but then want to sell up to create space for a more permanent fixture.(Galia 530 with a 150 bhp engine(I live in scotland, need a cabin)).
Should i advertise the boat with the 40 hp and sell the 50hp separately or vice versa ?
I know the 50hp is worth a few bob hence the question, how should i roll to get the most £ back.
Boat would be sold with a very good trailer and mechanical winch however i'll remove the fishfinder (as i just bought it).

p.s. i'll post a link on how the boat looks now, it's all about safety ye all , #ItCantBeMissed

Ohh, And a quick video of how the boat was with the 40hp before my mucky hands got let loose !

Should have stuck to cars maybe ???
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Old 19 January 2021, 22:07   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
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My ten penneth I would split everything up & sell separately the hull with painted tubes is not worth much & will probably detract from other items. Both engines will sell well for good money on their own, the trailer on its own will bring good money & get what you can for the hull
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Old 19 January 2021, 22:18   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Inverness
Boat name: Knotty Rita!
Make: Zodiac pro 9
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 46
Originally Posted by beamishken View Post
My ten penneth I would split everything up & sell separately the hull with painted tubes is not worth much & will probably detract from other items. Both engines will sell well for good money on their own, the trailer on its own will bring good money & get what you can for the hull
Quick reply, always good, Thankyou!!!

How much do you think the boat is worth ? It's cracking fun to drive on the water, has seats that are comfy, solid floor, steering wheel with controls, lots of storage space.
I paid over £1200 for a 3.8m honwave and this wee hull is so much more in every respect, selling all separately when the time comes can be done if it benefits my bank balance but is the rib itself really that bad ?.

What do you think i could ask for just the Hull ? , Surely be a hard sale as with no trailer or engine be pretty much worthless
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Old 20 January 2021, 07:41   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: north ayrshire
Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
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As a comparison a tidy boat with modern ish yam 40 two stroke just sold on here for an asking price of 3k. That puts a tidy hull at a few hundred quid if you stripped back his engine & trailer.
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Old 20 January 2021, 08:34   #5
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Sell the 50hp separately. The long shaft Yamaha 50hp is pretty rare to find. I searched for a couple of years when I had my Zodiac Pro and couldn't find one. That said I had a mint Yamaha 40hp model 40V engine, so I couldn't complain. That'll be an interesting one when you come to sell it.

There's a late 80s engine on Fleabay here, but you have the better model.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 20 January 2021, 11:46   #6
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Inverness
Boat name: Knotty Rita!
Make: Zodiac pro 9
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 50hp
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 46
Ok, I'll sell the 50hp separately and maybe stick the 40 back on the boat and sell as a package, with my luck i'll be left with a boat on it's own in my back garden !
Thanks for your opinions Folks, always appreciated
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Old 22 January 2021, 12:59   #7
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Either separately or with the 40. The 50 will certainly be worth more on its own.

The hull sounds quite old and well used. These don’t typically attract a huge price tag. There’s one advertised at the moment (in original unpainted condition) which hasn’t sold at £500 with ropey trailer. You might get a couple of k for an older package. Unfortunately painted tubes do tend to be worth less than unpainted.
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