Originally Posted by 1978SeaRider
Well needed ! Would be quiet costly to manage tho.... Maybe they should introduce boat tax to help cover the cost 

We could then get one of those paramilitary private security firms to run the whole lot ,, get rid of Hm coastguard ,,let them take over the rnli and the independent lifeboats lifeguards ect
Mandatory insurance for any type of craft ( could be problems if your a canoeist and live in seaton Carew )
Though I know a boat with a plywood transom that sank after being accidentally rammed by a kayak and holed Once ,
Then why not make a basic mandatory boat handling test with a full medical for all boats ,power/ unpowered / sail / canoe
to be renewed every 2 years with a renew fee of say a couple of hundred quid,,,, just to keep the jobs for the boys happy & the cash back hander for the doctor .
Make all boat crews / passengers wear some form of protective headgear and body armour let's face it lots of injuries on sail boats are head and on power it's the prop ((( prop guards that's better well make it the law to have prop guards fitted for all prop driven boats ,
Have mandatory annual testing of all lifejackets ,, we could then put a minimum fee and test certificate or renew by law every 3 years .
How about putting a ban on any privately owned craft ( amateurs or enthusiasts , cowboys ) putting to sea in anything above a force 3