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Old 21 August 2012, 00:44   #21
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Originally Posted by Paul Cannell View Post
Shirley your not suggesting that everyone who has a boat should pass a competency exam before being allowed on the water.
Well as you can read from the earlier posts Education aint working!

As for the cost, I am sure all the fines handed out to the numpties will cover the cost? There certainly seems to be enough of them!

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Old 21 August 2012, 00:44   #22
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Originally Posted by 1978SeaRider

Well needed ! Would be quiet costly to manage tho.... Maybe they should introduce boat tax to help cover the cost
We could then get one of those paramilitary private security firms to run the whole lot ,, get rid of Hm coastguard ,,let them take over the rnli and the independent lifeboats lifeguards ect

Mandatory insurance for any type of craft ( could be problems if your a canoeist and live in seaton Carew )
Though I know a boat with a plywood transom that sank after being accidentally rammed by a kayak and holed Once ,

Then why not make a basic mandatory boat handling test with a full medical for all boats ,power/ unpowered / sail / canoe
to be renewed every 2 years with a renew fee of say a couple of hundred quid,,,, just to keep the jobs for the boys happy & the cash back hander for the doctor .

Make all boat crews / passengers wear some form of protective headgear and body armour let's face it lots of injuries on sail boats are head and on power it's the prop ((( prop guards that's better well make it the law to have prop guards fitted for all prop driven boats ,

Have mandatory annual testing of all lifejackets ,, we could then put a minimum fee and test certificate or renew by law every 3 years .

How about putting a ban on any privately owned craft ( amateurs or enthusiasts , cowboys ) putting to sea in anything above a force 3
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Old 21 August 2012, 08:56   #23
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Originally Posted by m chappelow View Post
We could then get one of those paramilitary private security firms to run the whole lot ,, get rid of Hm coastguard ,,let them take over the rnli and the independent lifeboats lifeguards ect

Mandatory insurance for any type of craft ( could be problems if your a canoeist and live in seaton Carew )
Though I know a boat with a plywood transom that sank after being accidentally rammed by a kayak and holed Once ,

Then why not make a basic mandatory boat handling test with a full medical for all boats ,power/ unpowered / sail / canoe
to be renewed every 2 years with a renew fee of say a couple of hundred quid,,,, just to keep the jobs for the boys happy & the cash back hander for the doctor .

Make all boat crews / passengers wear some form of protective headgear and body armour let's face it lots of injuries on sail boats are head and on power it's the prop ((( prop guards that's better well make it the law to have prop guards fitted for all prop driven boats ,

Have mandatory annual testing of all lifejackets ,, we could then put a minimum fee and test certificate or renew by law every 3 years .

How about putting a ban on any privately owned craft ( amateurs or enthusiasts , cowboys ) putting to sea in anything above a force 3
The ideal private security firm to enforce this would be the ones that was put in charge of the Olympics
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
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Old 21 August 2012, 09:20   #24
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Easy way is a one day theory course to explain to people about kill cords, rules of the road, lifejackets etc. A few gruesome pics are always good teaching aids!! A course like this could be done very cheaply or even free of charge.

If the RYA kept a central record of all the certificates issued on its behalf by training schools this would give somewhere to start. They could hire a couple of the newly redundant coastguard officer to look after it....

Personally I think all boats should be insured. Frankly the money we spend maintaining them and fitting bits to them, its stupid not to. It also means that if an accident occurs then there is no worry about who is paying for the damage.

Simply answer to getting boomed is to duck ;-)

New boat owners etc make mistakes due to a lack of knowledge. The members on this forum have a huge amount of knowledge between them.
The big question is how many of you would be willing to give up even just one day a year to pass on your knowledge to a group of new/ inexperienced people on a basic training course?

I would.
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Old 21 August 2012, 09:33   #25
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Insurance is usually 'required' for all small harbours or slips ...but its never realistic to check it , and being insured for everything will not help until after the accident has happened.

Lets not forget a lot of poeple are well trained and sensible , but accidents do still happen and things go wrong or breakdown . There are idiots in every branch of boating ( RIB , PB , Sail, dinghy, rowing etc etc )

I am sure pretty much all boaters would try and help if they see something going wrong - but as a nation we usually dont like being told we are doing something wrong. MOstly we are a friendly lot - I even wave at yachts ( sometimes they dont wave back)

We already have training courses easily available - and PB instructors really dont get paid very well for what they do . I have looked at getting my instructor ticket - just as its there, and to prove I can more than to 'use' it for gain . However it seems very expensive for the potential return if I were going to heavily persue it. I would still have to prove to the school in the pre course test I can drive a boat ( even though it would be the same school / person and examiner that did my commercial exam ) which seems rather a money making exercise ......

Maybe just some big chains across the harbour would put an end to this sillines ( like the French fisherman do from time to time )
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Old 21 August 2012, 10:06   #26
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
Perhaps I need a water cannon LOL
20mm is more effective
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...

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Old 21 August 2012, 11:34   #27
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Originally Posted by Mcd22 View Post
Easy way is a one day theory course to explain to people about kill cords, rules of the road, lifejackets etc. A few gruesome pics are always good teaching aids!! A course like this could be done very cheaply or even free of charge.

I would.
Theres lots of free stuff out there for those who are intrested in their own well being ,
it just needs to be all collated into one no nonsense package for a basic intoduction to boats and the like ect,,something like the free sea safety cd the RNli did , but more of food for thought or a what can go wrong type of thing .

For those of a certain age youll always remember this one show on tv on a monday teatime in the early 70s ,
bring back the good old public information films i say :0
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Old 21 August 2012, 15:05   #28
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scary stuff that 1970's film, they don't make em like they used to. I expect that film would not be allowed to be shown these days due to some health and safety issue or EU regulation.

Reminds me, I better get shot of my old flares (signal flares), neighbours bonfire looks ideal place. LOL
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