New to the site.
Thanks for the add. All the information that can be obtained buy the wealth of knowledge on sites is invaluable to us on small islands.
Currently I’m in the small islands of Vanuatu in the South Pacific where we have just acquired a 2007 Gemini 7.3 Rib with a pair of F150 Yams that are around 560 hour from what I can see on the console.
The Rib was originally used but boarder force in Australia then has been on the island for 4 years, 3 of them sat under a tree due to covid.
The tubes have cleaned up well and we just have a few small electric issues on the console with a few switches we are working through.
We have found that the pumps in the VST have failed but the engine fire if starting fluid is used directly.
So I suppose I’m asking do anybody have experience with Gemini Ribs and what would be your guys opinions in getting the Rib back in the water and the dos and don’ts.
But just as a reminder we are on a small island that it can take up to 3 months to ship in most things.
Big thanks in advance