Originally Posted by gocherhaz
You still got this Spongie? If so how you getting on?
Dragging this old subject up as I feel that it deserves some love, and I'm quite certain a few D-Class owners are around here!
Well... as you know, but others don't. I didn't keep that one long, She was donated to our charity to use for doing RYA powerboat training, however we felt it wasn't suitable for the role and needed too much work to get ready for the task. Which would detract from our ALB refurbishment for a similar role. We agreed to send her off to an independent lifeboat station to continue her lifesaving career as a swiftwater/flood response vessel.
I for a brief while had an XP-Class (Avon Rover 280) which was bought off here, but alas, as many boats that come to me do... it ended up being sold far too quickly.
However recently some one mentioning no names but sounds like HocherGaz nigh on forced me to purchase another D-Class... None other than the very one that I was crew on, from brand new.
The conversation went like this:
him "D-714..."
me "Shut up and take my money"
As I say... FORCED me to purchase.

D-714 on station back in 2010, a shiny new boat only recently named.

The hull arrived to me 'direct' from the RNLI via the aforementioned seller, where her RNLI branding was removed

Along with her came a bare stripped POD which I need to overhaul and fit out to my own spec.
Unfortunately when these are sold now the RNLI internally class them as "Scrap" therefore, the RNLI strip many reusable parts off. so as yet I've got a few bits and bobs I need to source most likely through Gocherhaz as and when he gets them in separately.
As and when I get stuff done, I'll perhaps pop some more detailed posts on.