Hi, had a 2.7 Sunsport with HP V floor (about 37kg), great little boat. Rated 8hp,,, started with 6 then 10,,,, then 15ph

all 2s.
Had a wild camping tip this year and found boat to be to small for all the gear, so started looking for bigger boat. Packed up size and weight being top on the list (fit in boot and still tow caravan)
Found a 3.8 bombard aerotec (43kg big deep V full length) second hand same price as a new 3.8 china boat (was looking at them). Glad I went with aerotec as I met some one at Loch Lomond with 3.8 china HP V floor boat rated 20hp,,, he was using a 10hp 2s, he even tried my 15hp on it (would not get on the plane with just 2 of us in). The floor was at the right pressure but flexed like mad (total out of shape / inverted its self) He was not happy

Go for the best one you can afford with a proven track record.