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Old 18 November 2024, 12:39   #1
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Much Differnce in Performance 5/6 HP?

I’ve been on the lookout for a relatively new 6hp 4 stroke with internal tank to go on a 2.9 light weight aluminium deck tender.
Second hand sellers are typically asking nearly new money of around £900 which when new at just over £1k is a bit much.

I’ve found a new Suzuki 5hp for £700 which appears but a bargain. But will I miss that extra 1hp and wish I had held out for a 6 or is the difference in price the deciding factor? Is any difference minimal? Can a 5hp be de restricted at all to become a 6? I assume it is essentially exactly the same engine.

Will used as a tender with 3 or 4 adults to get to another boat on a mooring predominantly but also would be for a bit of fun too! Ta.
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Old 18 November 2024, 13:20   #2
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Yes the 5 & 6 are broadly the same outboard with the same engine capacity, weight and gearbox ratio. It is very likely the carb is the only difference and in some outboards it can turn out there is just a restrictor adj the carb which can be removed or exchanged. However I don't know with those models, you could compare parts diagrams to see. I note the 6 does reach an extra 250rpm maximum revs.

However there is going to be very little difference in your main use as a tender with 3/4 folks as that will be restricted to displacement speed. One up with a well inflated boat, minimal kit and easy conditions you may plane with either 5 or 6.

That 5 is cheap so just be sure the source is legit.
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Old 18 November 2024, 18:00   #3
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I doubt it will make a huge difference although it's quite a big percentage extra if your using a 2.9m sib with 3 or4 folk your probably stuck at displacement speed with the 5 or 6. We used to use a 2.9 with a 5hp 2 stroke & it would plane with 1 person & a child but any more it was displacement speed I doubt the extra 1hp will get it planing with 3 folk aboard
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Old 18 November 2024, 22:29   #4
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Westwalestuning can raise the rpm limits and/or remap. Send ecu by post.
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Old 08 December 2024, 11:08   #5
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Our 2.8m Zodiac would plane with two of us on board, achieving around 14mph with a Mariner 6hp

To get it to plane two up, my wife had to move to the front and it took a few seconds to get going, so it was marginal. l would imagine 5hp would struggle to plane two up.

lf you've got 3/4 people in the boat then you'll never get past displacement speed with a 6hp (as already stated above) so you may as well buy the 5hp if it's a good deal.
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