20 November 2012, 16:15
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
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Launch wheels suitability
I'm looking for some launch wheels for my new Zodiac 3.6m Fastroller.
I like the look of these. the way that that the wheels fold up flat to the transom and ease of use really appeals. But I cannot see anyone selling or using the, in the UK and wonder if there may be issues. The only reference that I have seen to them is someone on here implied that they were too big.
Not sure if fixings would interfere with the inflatable floor - I'm new to inflatables so have not really learned what is to avoid and what is ok. Not made any easier by the awful Zodiac manual.
Also, they do a alternative PU tyre. What is the advantage of that - non pneumatic? Any disadvantage?
20 November 2012, 19:08
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Get the ones with a curve in the shaft so when they are up they hang back over the transom and when they are down they go under the boat supporting it. I think Pacer Marine sell them. They have big tyres which helps alot when pulling the boat over uneven ground. Avoid small wheels and overcomplicated designs if I where you. I have used this setup for the last 3 years with a Zodiac FR 3.4 and 9.8 on the back.
20 November 2012, 19:47
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
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Pacer Marine is my local and I discussing wheels with them yesterday. I have not liked any of the wheels that I have seen there but I'm not sure that I have seen the ones you link.
Still like the ones that I linked though. Don't think the wheel seems too small as they are 260mm which should be ok for my main need which is rolling 100yards from inflation point to slip across hard surface.
Will ask about the ones you mention next time I am down. I cannot work out from their image how they work.
Found the set here from your second link. Not the one you linked but not sure if same. Same size wheel as my link (but smaller than Pacer Marine one) and described as 'big ... tyre'.
20 November 2012, 20:06
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From what I have seen the Beachmaster wheels are awesome. I like how quick they are to put up and down. The only downfall I can see is the cost. They do make a removable set now.
20 November 2012, 20:25
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
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Posts: 364
Thanks Peter. I see what you mean by price! In UK it would be even more horrendous after exchange rate conversion.
When folded in a bag, presumably the removerable ones are needed but not sure of safety of the studs on the transom just where the cones of the tube fold into.
Not sure that they are any better than the ones in my link tough. Exactly same size wheel, twice the price.
20 November 2012, 21:11
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The text on your link states "V4A Foldable aerated launching wheels for inflatable boats made of stainless steel".
How many inflatable boats are made from stainless? And why?
(OK, their English is better than wot my German be).
20 November 2012, 21:15
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Best ones i find are the ones with the curve in the shaft,so when they are down they are in under the boat,balance of the boat/motor is much better,especially over rough ground.
21 November 2012, 07:32
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Originally Posted by Peter_C
From what I have seen the Beachmaster wheels are awesome. I like how quick they are to put up and down. The only downfall I can see is the cost. They do make a removable set now.
I really like this design as well - I just wish they offered a version that works with those big 19" diameter wheeleez beach wheels that you have.
21 December 2012, 18:38
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
Make: Zodiac 3.6 FR
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Posts: 364
I'm going to bump this thread.
Does anyone have any experience of these wheels from the German Solutions Seller company?
I've taken on board people's earlier comments and viewed some alternatives, but I really like the ergonomics of these wheels. Its still a relatively good sized wheel as I've seen bugger and much smaller and personally think the bigger wheel offers no advantage for where I will normally be launching.
I've also seen on their website a longer version for boats with a taller transom but cannot find this item right now - yes I can. This also would seem to fit my criteria if my transom is tall enough - the boat is in its bag and cannot measure right now.
My boat will be deflated and bagged on a daily basis after use and all other wheels that I have investigated or been recommended look either totally unsuitable for this or will be a nightmare to deal with when hands are cold and numb and split pins/bolts need to be removed.
Foldable launching wheels for inflatable boats made of stainless steel - YouTube
Apologies for the music...
21 December 2012, 18:53
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21 December 2012, 19:03
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
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38cm or 43cm tall. I don't know if thats big or not as I cannot get to mine right now.
It may be that image is deceiving in that wheels are 26cm dia and I know that some bigger ones are available like PacerMarines curved wheels (linked above) at 38cm.
Not sure of weight limit. 180kg seems good but I was warned to assume that only one wheel would be taking the weight so should use a 60% (not sure why not 50%) formula which gives 108Kg - the unladen weight of the boat + engine is just over 80kg.
21 December 2012, 20:00
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
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Forgot to say that I was particularly interested on how far an engine in normal vertical position would be off the ground - if at all. It looks pretty close with these wheels - maybe 2"
How close is engine to ground with other types of wheels - presumably you would wheel in raised position?
21 December 2012, 21:04
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My wheels, in the down position, are deeper than the engine skeg, which means I can lower them in deep water and motor in to the slip with confidence that I will not ground out.
Perfect I think.
22 December 2012, 10:35
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
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Thanks I had not thought about that circumstance - I had assumed that engine would be in shallow drive/up by that point but I can see engine down being more useful.
By the diagram, wheels would be 298mm below transom but don't have enough info to confirm how far engine would be below transom. Theoretically, if engine fitted perfectly, I should get 50mm clearance but that depends on height of transom.
22 December 2012, 18:40
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Those solutions seller ones looks very smart. Thank you for posting them up, think we may get a pair. Have been looking for some for a while but as we carry our 2.6m folded up on the deck most are too large to be practical in that situation. That they can be left on and still fit in the bag is a massive bonus. Only worry is robustness when being pulled over heavy ground?
24 December 2012, 01:13
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"When folded in a bag, presumably the removable ones are needed but not sure of safety of the studs on the transom just where the cones of the tube fold into."
The Beachmaster wheels are excellent, well made and light weight. Don't worry about the studs on the transom; they don't stick out that far but just to be on the safe side I cover them with walking cane rubber tips.
24 December 2012, 09:00
Country: UK - England
Boat name: ShaarkBait
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The problem with the beachmaster wheels is that compared with solutions seller (£130) option they are twice the price (approx £250 or more with customs handling charge) and simply not as elegant as a solution. Maybe next time I visit NZ I will get some, but shipping and VAT just make purchase of these in UK a non option when there are so many other options (like PacerMarine wheels) that match that beachmaster ease of use but still do not appear to match the ease and simplicity of the solutions seller ones that remain on the boat in the bag.
Trouble with solutions seller wheels is that they are so new there is no track record/reviews to make one confident to purchase.
Hopefully there will be options to see at the London Boat Show
24 December 2012, 13:21
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They do look neat, but maybe a bit on the flimsy side compared to Beachmaster which are beautifully made and pretty much bomb proof. I may get a set in the New Year anyway to see what they are like.
24 December 2012, 14:06
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Never underestimate how important it is for launching wheels to be of a very sturdy design if you want them to be beach launching wheels. The forces that are applied to the launching wheel apparatus can be tremendous if the boat is being pulled over less than perfectly smooth terrain.
Many launching wheels on the market are only meant to be used with very light SIBs and on concrete or paved ramps only. The solutions sellers wheels appear to fall in this category.
The beach master wheels design is very impressive and it is very easy to see why they are double the price of the solutions sellers wheels. It is much less costly to do something right the first time than to do it wrong, and then have to re-do it the right way.
24 December 2012, 14:59
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber
Many launching wheels on the market are only meant to be used with very light SIBs and on concrete or paved ramps only. The solutions sellers wheels appear to fall in this category..
We have a 2.6m & 3.3 2/ which we fold up onboard our rib. I think these wheels will be more than capable of supporting it while being pulled up any beach, perhaps you've got to be a little gentler with them than you would the beachmaster but the pay off is being able to leave them in the bag when rolled up.
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