12 December 2017, 13:54
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There’s another EBAY seller offering the fixed Beach Master wheels at £169 delivered so l have emailed them.
12 December 2017, 20:52
Country: UK - England
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Only issue I can see with these big wheels is the boat is fairly high off the ground so harder to launch off a beach or Loch? With the dolly wheels l have now you just push it in and it floats,, get in and raise the wheels...... getting out lower the wheels when at the shore and get off the front then pull it out.
Trouble is the rear of the tubes often scrape on the ground when l am pulling the boat along slipways etc if l am not careful and l am worried they may eventually become damaged.
I wonder if l might be better to get one of these for launching on rough ground and keep the existing dolly wheels on for anything else.
12 December 2017, 21:04
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
The best launching wheels for SIBs in my opinion are the Solutions Sellers wheels.
They fold up flat against the transom so no need to remove them to roll it up.
Launching wheels for inflatable boats
I totally agree. These are great, had mine a similar time to yours and are still like new. No faff what so ever
13 December 2017, 07:49
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Originally Posted by lightning
Only issue I can see with these big wheels is the boat is fairly high off the ground so harder to launch off a beach or Loch? With the dolly wheels l have now you just push it in and it floats,, get in and raise the wheels...... getting out lower the wheels when at the shore and get off the front then pull it out.
Trouble is the rear of the tubes often scrape on the ground when l am pulling the boat along slipways etc if l am not careful and l am worried they may eventually become damaged.
I wonder if l might be better to get one of these for launching on rough ground and keep the existing dolly wheels on for anything else.
by buying the launch trolley you are doing two things increasing weight and back to it being higher out of the water, with the bigger transom wheels you will not scrape the boat, not have as much weight to push and the faff, be able to travel rougher ground & carry the wheels folded up out of the way with you, plus you would have to take the trolley back to the car park each launch & secure it. if its a problem with the big wheels for deeper water just lift one side at a time and pull each wheel up
13 December 2017, 08:29
Country: UK - England
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Fair enough, l’ll get a set of the ones suggested above as they are under £100
13 December 2017, 13:00
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Re the import fees...
The wheels are about £205 inc delivery from Beachmaster. I think the customs duty will be a little under 3% so say £210 plus 20% VAT so £252 plus the £10 or so collection fee charged by the carrier to handle the fee... So around £265 in all I reckon.
Given the OE Honwave wheels are often £220+ and the Zodiac OE wheels for an Aerotec £250+ then "IF" the Beachmasters were 100% what you wanted they are in the ball park pricewise.
As Jeff does I just ease one side up at a time to flip/remove the wheels so never have problems with tall wheels and prefer them keeping the boat & OB well off scraping on uneven ground.
15 December 2017, 09:50
Country: UK - England
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Still deciding! Wife says l can have them for Christmas
15 December 2017, 18:24
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Originally Posted by GI-SYD
I just called Jenny over in NZ, I left a voicemail for her and she called me right back. I enquired after their supply times, she said the sets are in stock and they do same-day dispatch once they have your order. They are the same people as the Beachmaster account on eBay, it is just a bit cheaper to buy through their website: https://www.beachmaster.co.nz/prices-and-stores.
Always a good sign if people call you right back and they can do same-day dispatch.
I sent them another email about postage and never had a reply.
11 August 2018, 17:21
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Originally Posted by JCW
I totally agree. These are great, had mine a similar time to yours and are still like new. No faff what so ever 
I really like the idea of these wheel, what size motor do you guys have on your boat? I have a 9.8 tohatsu motor short leg and I'm worried about the wheels rubbing on the leg of the motor when i go to turn.
12 August 2018, 06:38
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You can get them at pacermarine or on eBay
Just buy them and if they don’t work out just send them back for a refund
28 September 2022, 22:32
Country: UK - England
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Well l am going to update this thread because five YEARS later l finally got around to buying the Beach Master wheels !!
These wheels are superb, so much better than the small dolly wheels and really easy to use, also they make it easier to beach the boat as you can just lower them and drive the boat slowly into the shore, and the engine doesn't hit the bottom.
Launching is easier as well, because the boat no longer touches the bottom when you get in.
Just a shame it took me five years to get around to fitting them.
28 September 2022, 23:12
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Originally Posted by lightning
Well l am going to update this thread because five YEARS later l finally got around to buying the Beach Master wheels !!
These wheels are superb, so much better than the small dolly wheels and really easy to use, also they make it easier to beach the boat as you can just lower them and drive the boat slowly into the shore, and the engine doesn't hit the bottom.
Launching is easier as well, because the boat no longer touches the bottom when you get in.
Just a shame it took me five years to get around to fitting them.
What SIB/OB do you have? Do you have any pictures?
29 September 2022, 14:57
Country: UK - England
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We've got a Zodiac 285s with Tohatsu 9.8 two stroke
No pictures with the new wheels, but l'll post some next time we use it.
The wheels are copies of the genuine Beach Master at just over half the price, but they seem fine, really well made and removable.
29 September 2022, 15:01
Country: UK - England
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Do you think they are suitable for a bigger 4 stroke, or will the whelks foul on the engine leg?
30 September 2022, 12:12
Country: UK - England
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The bottom of the wheels are 30cm below the transom when lowered
The mounting plates are 13cm wide but the actual
wheels are narrower than that. So long as you have 13cm on the transom each side of the engine they'll work fine.
When the wheels are raised, they don't extend over the top of the transom like a lot of these larger wheels do,.
You can also remove them
completely in a few seconds if you want, no tools
needed, flip the four latches and they are off, just leaving four studs on the transom
There's plenty of photos of them on boats if you look on the Beach Master website
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