I made a post about my new (to me) sib outboard last week, but it got deleted, so I thought I'd try again.
I picked this up from gumtree, had to pay top money (£1350), but it seems very tidy and in genuine condition, i.e. It's not just been tarted up with a rattle can.
A bit of dirt and grime, but no evidence of corrosion or of any overspray from a tart up job.
I ordered a service kit and today I did the power head end of things - plugs and fuel filter. Not much else to do on a lovely smoker 😂. While I was there I did a compression test. 80psi on both cylinders, which although it seems low, is what I also had on my old 9.9 yam (that I should never have sold).

(that's a bit of old grease residue in the bottom of the housing, not corrosion)