08 July 2004, 18:01
Country: UK - England
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anyone know....
Hi all
I must say before I post this that you did not hear it from me guv
The reson I am posting this is because if I did it he would  :
Does anyone know the difference between petrol and diesel?
Well my dear friend Mark Bealy, of Jets Marivent fame, don't!!!
He has spent most of the day today getting it sorted and he is sposed to be here in Swansea
Vauxhall Diesel engines don't like unleaded petrol.
I know this may come as a shock but its true
Best bit was he tried to blame me and he was in Sheffield and I was in Kent!!!
The main bonus is that I now am the proud tower of a 7m Revenger.
Should I give it back?
08 July 2004, 18:13
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na, give it to me!
08 July 2004, 18:30
Country: UK - England
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Can,t think which way round but but one way is sure to cost you a new engine i am sure its diesel in a petrol will kill it
saying that i sent a guy from work to fill up a 406 petrol hire car up
and when he came back he said i had broke the filler cap as the diesel pump
would not fit he still got £25 pounds in it
08 July 2004, 18:32
Country: UK - England
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I'll have the mixed fuel though, the FV432 Armoured Personel Carrier we have at the site runs on anything as it has a multifuel engine! It'll even run on chip fat!
The police bring it up in 100 gallons at a time! The joy of idiots putting the wrong fuel in!
08 July 2004, 18:37
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Andy Stevens
..... It'll even run on chip fat!
The police bring it up in 100 gallons at a time! The joy of idiots putting the wrong fuel in! 
Are you suggesting that our brave "boys in blue" get through a lot of chips?  Shame on you.....
08 July 2004, 22:48
Country: UK - Wales
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Mark B unleaded
As you say you did not hear this from me but ....
I spoke to Mark shortly after the alledged incident ...BP have changed the language of their signs !!
Now to add to you humour Mark had a little but painfull, or rather and according to him very painfull op last week that left him a little sore in the nether regions.
So I guess we can conclude that he is now running on unleaded but until he can undertake proper trails is still unsure whether the driving force runs on leaded, diesel or not at all !!.
Of course dont let the world know that I let slip. But then again if you sell in the marine trade then you cant hide anything.!!
Mark B damned good bloke (or was) though
09 July 2004, 09:03
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Andy Stevens
I'll have the mixed fuel though, the FV432 Armoured Personel Carrier we have at the site runs on anything as it has a multifuel engine! It'll even run on chip fat!
The police bring it up in 100 gallons at a time! The joy of idiots putting the wrong fuel in! 
I can get you Fuel if you need it and the engine isn't fussy. There is a Fuel Tank cleaning company next to us and they clean and drain filling station tanks and have a problem getting rid of the stuff. Let me know and I'll introduce you
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
15 July 2004, 09:14
Country: UK - England
Town: ramsgate
Boat name: Micki Dee Bee
Make: Ribcraft Seasafari
Length: 9m +
Engine: Twin 250hp Suzuki
MMSI: 235057235
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 1,622
Originally Posted by quinquarimarine
As you say you did not hear this from me but ....
I spoke to Mark shortly after the alledged incident ...BP have changed the language of their signs !!
Now to add to you humour Mark had a little but painfull, or rather and according to him very painfull op last week that left him a little sore in the nether regions.
So I guess we can conclude that he is now running on unleaded but until he can undertake proper trails is still unsure whether the driving force runs on leaded, diesel or not at all !!.
Of course dont let the world know that I let slip. But then again if you sell in the marine trade then you cant hide anything.!!
Mark B damned good bloke (or was) though
Did not want to mention his little op.
Having just spent the last week with him I heard, in graphic details, all about his little op!!!
Yes hw is a top bloke too
15 July 2004, 10:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Leicester
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Make: Ribcraft
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Re earlier post; So the cops bring you old chip fat to run your APC? If its driven on the road (public) you'd get done for tax evasion, possibly by the same outfit!
New boat is here, very happy!
15 July 2004, 12:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
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I was talking to a friend the other day who mentioned a petrol station down the road from him, he claims he had once by accident started to fill up his car with Diesel and realised what he had done, he said he'd put £2 worth in when he realised, so quickly swapped over pumps to the unleaded and continued to fill the car with £30 worth, he then went to pay and becuase he'd switched pumps the clock had stopped on £2, so he told the guy what he'd done but becuase the guy had no way of verifying it they could only charge him £2, the car ran fine, apparently if its only a small amount then it will dilute down to nothing in a full tank of unleaded and the engine wont be effected.
Now i'm not sure if that was bull or not....what do you think
15 July 2004, 12:38
Country: UK - England
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Probably bull
I filled my Rib up at the petrol station the other day and I usually carry one 25 litre tank and an extra 5 litres in a small can. I filled up the 25 and then switched to the 5 aiming to get it all on one bill but the berk on the checkout reset the pump after the first lot so the thirty litres came to about £4.20 !
I went in with my five pound note with a grin as wide as the M25 looking all pleased with myself but he had noticed so he had to add the two amounts in his head (which took some time)! I think there is some way of recalling the previous amount so it would be near impossible to get away with it.
15 July 2004, 12:53
Country: UK - England
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Had the opposite in that a jerry can that had held diesel was filled with unleaded and then used to fill the tank for a Yamaha 50. Can't remember which way round it is, but either because it is heavier than petrol and the tank fed from bottom or is lighter and tank fed from top, the engine smoked loads then finally clogged up from being over oiled. Took a dam good stripdown and clean to get it running again.
15 July 2004, 12:55
Country: UK - England
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Last year I put £65 worth in the RIB and went to pay. The girl looked at me very stangly when I said "Pump 3".
"That chap out there has just paid for pump 3" she said "Oh, he only wanted a street map"
The silly sod signed his car slip for £65 rather than about £4.50.
Took a while to sort that lot out.
Moral of the story is - Check the amount on the credit card slip BEFORE signing it.
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
15 July 2004, 13:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966
Originally Posted by Andy R
Had the opposite in that a jerry can that had held diesel was filled with unleaded and then used to fill the tank for a Yamaha 50. Can't remember which way round it is, but either because it is heavier than petrol and the tank fed from bottom or is lighter and tank fed from top, the engine smoked loads then finally clogged up from being over oiled. Took a dam good stripdown and clean to get it running again.
So is this why you've not been out and about lately then Andy
Outboards seem to be far more delicate than any other type of machinery, dirt, water, oil petrol, over oil, under oil etc will all effect the engine in different ways....normally not good.
Are you about for the IOW sub 5metre bash ??
15 July 2004, 15:12
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 371
I have used my 22l jerrycans for both petrol and diesel one after the other with no problems for either my diesel car or 2 stroke boat so far.
The minor amount left when empty when diluted by 22l of the other substance doesn't seem to cause any problems.
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