Nice one Scott.
It was a great weekend. Started friday night when Keran and me managed to drink the bar dry of IPA

Apparently I manged to do a rendition of Highway to hell and Born to be wild backed by the 'turn' that was playing

Saturday dawned with weather more akin to winter. Still cleared the hangover

We had a run down to Oulton broad and met an old friend with his Broom 38 continental. Sevaral cups of tea and we set off to cruise the river Waveney, eventually ending up on Braydon water. Now having cruised at the legal limit of 6 mph Braydon and its speed limit free water were very welcome indeed
Enjoying the chance to let KeyMar off the leash, we went to have a look at the ships in Gt.Yarmouth. On returning to base camp we enjoyed a much more civilised evening
Sunday and the weather was brilliant. Unfortunately we had to be leaving just after lunch, so we met up with Scott and the crew of Broads ILB1 for a 'photo' session
Highlight of the weekend was seeing the look on the river inspectors face, as we passed him at a staedy 25kts on Braydon water

and knowing he couldn't write us a ticket
Very well done to Scott for organising the weekend, not an easy task, well done mate
Ill post a few pics this week