Originally Posted by Daniel TD5
after i gave you a pound for parking and have fed you on most of our trip
in the summer
its nice to be helped and what did you ask me l to do in the summer
have a trainning day with anchor work towing man over the side with the sub 5 ribs but me being me was far to busy  never mind you are all ways right
have you found out what XS ribs are made of yet
yes Dan your absoultely right i did suggest we do some training way back in the summer didn't i, i'd completely forgot about that one, anyway its always good to practice one's skills all the time and keep practicing them as you never know when your'll need them. In reality though no amount of training will prepare you for the problems faced when doing a real rescue, but at least you have an idea of what to do or whats needed in the different circumstance.
been thinking about your fuel line, the reason it got knocked out was because it was jigging about in the back locker, suggest strapping it down or wedging it in place some how until the second tank goes in, this way when out in the rough it wont shake around in there and work the attachment loose.